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<topic id="importing-keys">
<title>Importing keys</title>
<p>Importing keys is possible with the <codeph>key_import()</codeph> method and takes one
argument which is a bytes literal object containing either the binary or ASCII armoured key
data for one or more keys.</p>
<p>The following example retrieves one or more keys from the SKS keyservers via the web using
the requests module. Since requests returns the content as a bytes literal object, we can
then use that directly to import the resulting data into our keybox.</p>
<codeblock id="key-import-01" outputclass="language-python">import gpg
import os.path
import requests
c = gpg.Context()
url = ""
pattern = input("Enter the pattern to search for key or user IDs: ")
payload = { "op": "get", "search": pattern }
r = requests.get(url, verify=True, params=payload)
result = c.key_import(r.content)
if result is not None and hasattr(result, "considered") is False:
elif result is not None and hasattr(result, "considered") is True:
num_keys = len(result.imports)
new_revs = result.new_revocations
new_sigs = result.new_signatures
new_subs = result.new_sub_keys
new_uids = result.new_user_ids
new_scrt = result.secret_imported
nochange = result.unchanged
The total number of keys considered for import was: {0}
Number of keys revoked: {1}
Number of new signatures: {2}
Number of new subkeys: {3}
Number of new user IDs: {4}
Number of new secret keys: {5}
Number of unchanged keys: {6}
The key IDs for all considered keys were:
""".format(num_keys, new_revs, new_sigs, new_subs, new_uids, new_scrt,
for i in range(num_keys):
<note>When searching for a key ID of any length or a fingerprint (without spaces), the SKS
servers require the the leading <codeph>0x</codeph> indicative of hexadecimal be included.
Also note that the old short key IDs (e.g. <codeph>0xDEADBEEF</codeph>) should no longer
be used due to the relative ease by which such key IDs can be reproduced, as demonstrated
by the <xref href="" format="html" scope="external">Evil32
Project</xref> in 2014 (which was subsequently exploited in 2016).</note>