From 69c4fc3fa98502e962477a21b7719b3b87bfcf84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: saturneric Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 20:46:30 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] feat: initial commit --- .gitignore | 155 + | 4 + astro.config.mjs | 58 + netlify.toml | 3 + package-lock.json | 8226 +++++++++++++++++ package.json | 18 + public/images/favicon.ico | Bin 0 -> 51933 bytes src/assets/icon.png | Bin 0 -> 96134 bytes src/assets/logo.svg | 750 ++ src/content/config.ts | 6 + src/content/docs/advanced/ | 63 + .../docs/advanced/ | 76 + .../docs/appendix/ | 160 + src/content/docs/appendix/ | 97 + src/content/docs/appendix/ | 122 + .../docs/appendix/ | 72 + .../docs/appendix/ | 49 + .../docs/guides/ | 68 + .../docs/guides/ | 146 + .../docs/guides/ | 93 + src/content/docs/guides/ | 207 + .../docs/guides/ | 115 + .../docs/guides/ | 166 + src/content/docs/guides/ | 103 + src/content/docs/guides/ | 104 + .../docs/guides/ | 64 + .../docs/guides/ | 180 + src/content/docs/guides/ | 199 + src/content/docs/index.mdx | 36 + 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create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/guides/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/index.mdx create mode 100644 src/content/docs/overview/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/overview/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/overview/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/overview/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/overview/ create mode 100644 src/content/docs/reference/ create mode 100644 src/env.d.ts create mode 100644 tsconfig.json diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fed9c95 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +# build output +dist/ +# generated types +.astro/ + +# dependencies +node_modules/ + +# logs +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +pnpm-debug.log* + + +# environment variables +.env +.env.production + +# macOS-specific files +.DS_Store + +# vscode wrokspace +.vscode + +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +lerna-debug.log* +.pnpm-debug.log* + +# Diagnostic reports ( +report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed +*.pid.lock + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage +*.lcov + +# nyc test coverage +.nyc_output + +# Grunt intermediate storage ( +.grunt + +# Bower dependency directory ( +bower_components + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons ( +build/Release + +# Dependency directories +node_modules/ +jspm_packages/ + +# Snowpack dependency directory ( +web_modules/ + +# TypeScript cache +*.tsbuildinfo + +# Optional npm 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Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions +.vscode-test + +# yarn v2 +.yarn/cache +.yarn/unplugged +.yarn/build-state.yml +.yarn/install-state.gz +.pnp.* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9377626 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# User Manual of GpgFrontend + +Please visit: + diff --git a/astro.config.mjs b/astro.config.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8abc1ab --- /dev/null +++ b/astro.config.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"; +import starlight from "@astrojs/starlight"; +import netlify from "@astrojs/netlify"; + +// +export default defineConfig({ + integrations: [ + starlight({ + title: "GpgFrontend", + description: "A Free, Easy-to-Use, Cross-Platform OpenPGP Crypto Tool.", + logo: { + src: "./src/assets/logo.svg", + }, + favicon: "/images/favicon.ico", + social: { + github: "", + }, + editLink: { + baseUrl: "", + }, + sidebar: [ + { + label: "Overview", + // Autogenerate a 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b/src/assets/logo.svg @@ -0,0 +1,750 @@ + +image/svg+xml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/content/config.ts b/src/content/config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45f60b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content'; +import { docsSchema } from '@astrojs/starlight/schema'; + +export const collections = { + docs: defineCollection({ schema: docsSchema() }), +}; diff --git a/src/content/docs/advanced/ b/src/content/docs/advanced/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b8014 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/advanced/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +--- +title: KeyPackage Functionality +sidebar: + label: KeyPackage +--- + +## Overview + +The KeyPackage is a feature designed to securely package and transfer key data +between different devices. It encapsulates both the public and private keys of +multiple key pairs, ensuring that users can maintain cryptographic functionality +across various platforms. This document outlines the process of creating, +exporting, and safely transferring a KeyPackage. + +## Creating a KeyPackage + + + +## Exporting the KeyPackage + +After configuring the export settings: + +1. Click on the 'OK' button to create the KeyPackage. +2. The interface will generate two files: + - A `.gpgpack` file containing the packaged keys. + - A `.key` file which should be kept confidential and deleted after the transfer is complete. + +## Security Notice + +When the KeyPackage is successfully created, a message will inform you that the +package is protected with encryption algorithms (e.g., AES-256-ECB) and is safe +to transfer. However, it emphasizes that the key file must not be disclosed +under any circumstances. Users are advised to delete the KeyPackage file and the +key file as soon as possible after the transfer is complete. + +## Transferring the KeyPackage + +To transfer the KeyPackage: + +1. Use a secure transfer method to move the `.gpgpack` file to the target + device. This could be through a secured network connection, encrypted email, + or a physical device like a USB drive, which should be encrypted as well. +2. Once transferred, import the KeyPackage into the key management tool on the + target device using the passphrase set during the creation process. + +## After Transfer: Importing and Verifying + + + +## Best Practices + +- Always ensure that you are transferring key data over a secure channel. +- Keep the passphrase strong and confidential. +- Delete the KeyPackage files from all devices and any intermediaries (like + email servers or cloud storage) after the transfer is complete to prevent + unauthorized access. + +## Conclusion + +The KeyPackage feature streamlines the process of transferring key data between +devices while maintaining high security standards. By following the steps +outlined in this document, users can effectively manage their cryptographic keys +across multiple platforms. diff --git a/src/content/docs/advanced/ b/src/content/docs/advanced/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4266fc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/advanced/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +title: Synchronizing Public Keys with Key Server +sidebar: + label: Sync Public Keys +--- + + +Keeping your public keys in sync with those stored on a key server is crucial +for secure communications. This synchronization ensures that any changes to +public keys, such as revocations or the addition of subkeys, are reflected in +your local keyring. Without this, you may be vulnerable to security risks like +man-in-the-middle attacks or authentication errors. + +Here's a structured guide to maintaining public key synchronization using the +GpgFrontend's Public Key Sync feature. + +## Importance of Public Key Synchronization + +**Key Revocation:** If a key is revoked by its owner, it's vital to stop using +it immediately. Revocation might occur if the private key is compromised or if +the key is no longer used. + +**Subkey Updates:** If a new signing subkey is generated, it's essential for +your local gpg to recognize it. Without the updated information, gpg won't +authenticate signatures made with the new subkey. + +## How to Sync Public Keys + +GpgFrontend automates the public key synchronization process through a +user-friendly interface. Here’s how to use it: + +1. Open the **Key Management** interface. +2. Locate and click the **Sync Public Key** button. This initiates the automatic + synchronization. + +![Sync Public Key Button]( + +_Note: Replace the placeholder text with the actual link to the image showing +the Sync Public Key button._ + +The feature works by checking all the public keys in your possession against the +key server. If there's an updated version of a key you own, GpgFrontend will +import the new details to your local keyring. + +### Choosing the Right Key Server + +To know which key server GpgFrontend interacts with, follow these steps: + +1. Go to the settings section of GpgFrontend. +2. The default key server configured will be listed here. + +![Default Key Server Setting]( + +_Note: Replace the placeholder text with the actual link to the image showing +the key server settings._ + +If you need to use a different key server: + +1. Navigate to the key server settings within GpgFrontend. +2. Add your preferred key server's details. +3. Set it as the default for future synchronizations. + +## Best Practices for Key Synchronization + +- **Regular Sync:** Regularly sync your keys to ensure you have the latest + updates, especially before engaging in secure communication. +- **Verify Changes:** After syncing, verify any changes or updates to ensure + they are legitimate. +- **Secure Network:** Always perform key synchronization over a secure network + to prevent interception or tampering. + +## Conclusion + +By following this guide, you can ensure that your public keys are always +up-to-date, reflecting the current status on the key server, thereby maintaining +the integrity of your encrypted communications. diff --git a/src/content/docs/appendix/ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3782dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +--- +title: Code & Binary Verify +--- + +To enhance the security and integrity of software distribution, it's crucial for +developers and users alike to employ methods for verifying the authenticity and +integrity of code and executable files. The process outlined below aims to +fortify trust in software distribution by leveraging digital signatures and +secure, automated build processes. + +### Automated Build Process + +Our software leverages **GitHub Actions** for automated compilations, ensuring +that every binary file version released is directly compiled from the source +code stored in the GitHub repository's main branch. This approach guarantees +that the compilation process is transparent, replicable, and free from manual +interference. The exact commands and environment configurations used during the +compilation are documented within the project's `.github/workflow/release.yml` +file, allowing for full accountability and reproducibility. + +### Third-Party Library Assurance + +To uphold our commitment to security, we do not include GnuPG in our major +releases and strictly avoid insecure or proprietary third-party libraries. +Instead, we only utilize third-party libraries that are open-source and have +been compiled from publicly accessible code repositories. This practice ensures +that our software remains secure and trustworthy. + +### Code Verification + +We encourage users to review our code to ensure its integrity and security. The +code for all releases is available on our GitHub repository. For any inquiries +or concerns, please feel free to contact us directly. Most new git commits are +signed with a designated key, which is also used for Git operations: `Saturneric +`. This commitment to transparency allows users to verify the +authenticity of our code easily. + +#### Key Fingerprint + +``` +E3379489C39B7270E70E2E303AAF1C64137CEE57 +``` + +### Binary File Verification + +From version 1.0.5 onwards, we sign our packages containing the binary +executable files with a GPG key to further ensure security. Each package is +accompanied by a signature file in the release section (with a `.sig` suffix), +allowing users to verify the package before use using standard GPG tools. + +#### About Interface Verification + +Our software includes an "About" interface accessible from the help menu, +providing users with information about the software version, platform, and the +specific GitHub repository branch and commit hash used for compiling the binary. +This feature adds an extra layer of transparency and verification for users. + +### Public Key for Verification + +Below is the public key used for signing the commits and binary files, which can +be used to verify the authenticity of our releases: + +#### Key Fingerprint + +``` +E3379489C39B7270E70E2E303AAF1C64137CEE57 +``` + +#### Public Key (OpenPGP) + +``` +-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- + +mQGNBGCVnvEBDACuEcjxckb4rocHGU7VPT/OOOOZapNG/0ViB3XhmzNh7q8QJiq6 +M4z0fpC5sf1pHXbbKtehLETrAUTFuaEp19askZI0ISoz5+qKGZuaM3bDZWBjwUpt +woVgUphfeZy2DFsnmTtVj9CRU9Nma6smXVFud3Roj2ImZ0NFrkdETvprfLJ7jqk/ +mXgznNbbJdqmQ4l0I1E91VmrqHHHSakh3grzRDj/GuDookQl2JZfLA0J55qOYdkF +5mmnqbYURGVcP2oot/wSrrWH0F/WatwRx9w+jZjrJWgKjJoqWwvzG8WGop1XkRn1 +Ea3Nzj/KsSL7C5YRu03BL7wNu6UNIJ/zsAnNLp87nCY85w+HnNGHkL3QcnqNQbQP +3aySOkIjXdT8AlGIV5r5wO/RBg4e+xASGzQXx9lYbjJiiIOP2uLxYGGFbalDoiCa +sonlXzMZTJrK7VvZ2UsnSnBJ8l/EPsY/AeZdWbmswQaFsJlfNsZZ6T5Rfyjtu8a3 +fwPJTTsbfIB6N3EAEQEAAbQbU2F0dXJuZXJpYyA8ZXJpY0Bia3R1cy5jb20+iQHO +BBMBCAA4AhsDBQsJCAcCBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4BAheAFiEE4zeUicObcnDnDi4w +Oq8cZBN87lcFAmCWg1kACgkQOq8cZBN87leJfQv/ShjV9PRi8ixlJ1Ez1TDG+4N9 +EHoi2IwVK1UF51kA9lxyD+8n1ZHpcz7bRXV+YhHAO4A2l1ENrkCJVIZK9OO+Z64l +TPKCV9JVSkxcpnr6sqKJ76Zplwah1ZkwAG9tdK9H95wgeIkO4oSRutX/cCJ35Gko +FfhbV+/OyPYTT2562SZeQ2VqnptGLm0eF+FVt0HP4uxvRyGfgHQD46Ki6dr/JOXQ +j57S06CIHGj1RT4uQVSx53gbFvfIgweHsWraRWwY8jMrgOazlo/KRHG4N04eQdzM +K+WA80ODKuXdhnlGFMhn3RCFZpRV+Upso9syJ1FFChzsuX69+mRPvAojEDnREgd9 +s61nx5xWy6vKMB9oZiomNuPw2EScBwS9EK0M6APqgBaIdL6HOC7kjxBLfqgyhulD 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+nLBt+IuiO/PXUu6c56Wl+L9ntOSVLb1ySnRisI4iYx4J80GcFaMjlJFjQ5uGt0jh +Ardq4zFLYgJfTTl6cM8WTANiKO2a6DgpZxb1knfKOjdasqeQcEs4ZcB6Nf9Bcw/X +Qe2Ee85FA+qClxuIMTT5l6fDw+DXgZfSR0clwA4rMY7hCUvuRxCjc1LDOCbyHe/Z +PUAntlNNKrXEicXxi8Odpzcq0/rDR53OMyzFhGXpbbxa89F/B96H249IW/waefN6 +VKpSb693VOyl8AtQ2tRAvy7YxYyhUQIKKCuahjdoib3GmFNE67rjW9MUVfefIhvp +nBJaY8tp8YhYrDF0U9DMuYrTLcPu5VsR7gvlFY30If1XCavpAnq+eNaxIdTDIKfJ +Q2cgALPBfzogEOeR+RY4Lo46dIGCaEYTpbImcJdum0GVACoMb0T1oOXIHWd1hy46 +ianYKGxMmjfS1f13cr6F1U18l8QKMBZhNTBazw2IdXaugdnbqryEsp20zPQ+caGR ++E1wZmOLMAv+JMPJSK7Ra9cQf6GEos1XurjhaoegPh0Y9U4p1Dk1pQduI7togmJ/ +bhvIpawfi52rI/4I4g1HqjcU8iG6ZjTVE7kVVvDISex71czbmV9isWvW0HJlDgTQ +piZbTCPqvgyEZRF0eIA+VTXOKD/qUwxvw3jo75KEcmW+sezqctREgH02EBPuD5GC +Qyxi7+nNq37FTNYReydCEGEDfJXZ6x12FkW9nPe2fkxx7WT/ceVT2jGtSG4re5vk +wYtnfgKvfHXYmTudoMuVmIsJc9zcdvhL1Nmrd1BOyeJmQCNyvwP48OkU5TqIGHc4 +PcbwniPKO8tozjuwE+iO2TjgwWc/Eg5hLPGYlyqalysP4nOO/KYLBwvgTrPse40N +jg4/3Ew4DKxsrHtCGfhx+i5pXVYwbWklPd7mDmmvxnM5gFEqs0VMMGsjElCzDsmm +v3fSDNozRpd0LXK7J4QGwtOBVivNf7XDQOx5ZXbh/HTQuTG2/8FMCbwUwPYFLx07 +hHHFn9+/wu20 +=bgvm +-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- +``` + +This comprehensive approach to security, including automated builds, careful +selection of third-party libraries, and transparent verification methods, +ensures that users can trust the software they are using while also providing +the tools needed to verify that trust independently. diff --git a/src/content/docs/appendix/ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37e03d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +--- +title: Contributing to GpgFrontend +--- + +Thank you for considering contributing to GpgFrontend! As a community-driven +project currently maintained by a single individual, every contribution, no +matter how small, makes a significant difference. This guide is designed to +provide you with a clear pathway to contributing, whether you're submitting +changes via GitHub pull requests or sending git patches via email. Below, you'll +find the steps to set up your environment, make changes, and how to submit those +changes. Additionally, you'll find contact information for further assistance. + +## Technical Requirements + +To maintain the integrity and compatibility of GpgFrontend, please adhere to the +following technical standards for all contributions: + +- **C++ Standard:** Contributions must comply with the C++17 standard. This + requirement ensures that we leverage modern language features and maintain + forward compatibility. +- **C Standard:** For code that involves C programming, adherence to the C99 + standard is required. This helps ensure our code takes advantage of more + recent language features while maintaining compatibility with various + platforms and compilers. +- **Compiler Compatibility:** Your code should compile successfully with both + Clang and GCC compilers. This cross-compatibility is crucial for ensuring that + GpgFrontend can be built on a variety of platforms and environments. +- **Third-Party Libraries:** Introducing third-party libraries should be done + with caution. Any added library must be compatible with the GPL 3.0 license. + Prior discussion with project maintainers about the necessity and implications + of the new library is required. +- **Code Formatting:** Use our `.clang-format` and `.clang-tidy` configurations + to format your code. Consistent code formatting aids in maintaining the + readability and maintainability of the codebase. +- **Code Maintenance and Attribution:** Be aware that the project maintainer may + edit your code to better fit the project or enhance compatibility. You are + encouraged to include your name and contact information in the code comments + for your contributions if you wish. + +### Additional Standards to Consider + +- **Static Analysis:** To ensure code quality and catch potential issues early, + contributions should pass static analysis checks where applicable. Tools like + Clang Static Analyzer or GCC's `-Wall -Wextra -pedantic` flags can be used to + identify potential issues. +- **Unit Testing:** If your contribution adds new functionality or changes + existing behavior, including unit tests to cover your changes is highly + recommended. This helps ensure that your contributions do not inadvertently + break existing functionality. +- **Documentation:** Update existing documentation or add new documentation as + necessary to reflect your changes or additions to the project. Well-documented + code is essential for future maintenance and for new contributors to + understand the project. + +## Getting Started + +### Step 1: Set Up Your Environment + +Make sure you have a configured Git environment. For GitHub contributions, fork +the repository and clone it locally. For email contributions, ensure Git is +installed on your machine. + +For setting up local development Environment, you can refer to [this +section]( + +### Step 2: Making Changes + +Create a new branch for your work, implement your changes while adhering to the +technical requirements and standards mentioned, and commit your changes with +clear, descriptive commit messages. + +### Step 3: Submitting Contributions + +#### Via GitHub Pull Request + +Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the original +repository. Ensure your pull request describes the changes made and the reason +for those changes. + +#### Via Email with Git Patch + +For email submissions, generate a git patch for your commits and send it to the +project's contribution email address. Make sure to include a detailed +description of your changes and the reasons for them in your email. + +## Contact + +If you have any technical questions or need assistance, refer to the Contact +document for the maintainer's email address. We are here to help and encourage a +collaborative development process. + +## Conclusion + +Your contributions are vital to the success and improvement of GpgFrontend. We +appreciate your efforts to adhere to these guidelines and look forward to your +innovative and high-quality contributions. Thank you for being a part of our +community. diff --git a/src/content/docs/appendix/ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5ca5fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +--- +title: Setting Up Your Local Development Environment +sidebar: + label: Development Environment +--- + +Creating a local development environment that mirrors the GitHub Actions +workflow ensures consistency between local development and continuous +integration builds. This guide leverages the steps defined in our GitHub Actions +workflow to help you set up a similar environment on your local machine. By +following these steps, you'll be able to compile, build, and test the project in +an environment closely resembling our CI pipeline, minimizing integration +issues. The exact commands and environment configurations used during the +compilation are documented within the project's `.github/workflow/release.yml` +file. + +## Prerequisites + +- **Git:** Installed and configured on your system. +- **Compilers:** GCC and Clang for cross-compatibility. +- **CMake:** For generating build files. +- **Qt6:** If working on a project that utilizes Qt for its GUI. + +## Environment Setup Steps + +### Clone the Repository + +```bash +git clone +cd GpgFrontend +``` + +### Configure Git Line Endings + +This step ensures that line endings are consistent across different operating +systems. + +- **For Windows:** + +```bash +git config --global core.autocrlf false +git config --global core.eol lf +``` + +- **For macOS:** + +```bash +git config --global core.autocrlf false +git config --global core.eol lf +``` + +### Install Dependencies + +- **On Ubuntu 20.04:** + +```bash +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y build-essential binutils git autoconf automake gettext texinfo gcc g++ ninja-build libarchive-dev libssl-dev libgpgme-dev +``` + +- **On macOS (11 and 12):** + +```bash +brew install cmake autoconf automake texinfo gettext openssl@3 ninja libarchive gpgme +brew link --force openssl@3 + +``` + +- **For Windows (via MSYS2):** Set up MSYS2 according to its documentation and + install the necessary packages: + +```bash +pacman -Syu +pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake autoconf automake make texinfo mingw-w64-x86_64-qt6 libintl msys2-runtime-devel gettext-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja mingw-w64-x86_64-gnupg mingw-w64-x86_64-libarchive +``` + +### Install Qt6 (if applicable) + +Use the Qt online installer or your package manager to install Qt6 and the +required modules for your project. + +### Build Third-Party Libraries (if needed) + +Follow the project's documentation to clone and build necessary third-party +libraries such as `libgpg-error`, `libassuan`, and `GpgME`. Use the same +commands as specified in the GitHub Actions workflow, adapted for your local +environment. + +### Configure and Build the Project + +- **For Linux and macOS:** + +```bash +mkdir build && cd build +cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release +make -j$(nproc) +``` + +- **For Windows (via MSYS2):** + +```bash +mkdir build && cd build +cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release +mingw32-make -j$(nproc) +``` + +### Running Tests + +After building, run the project's tests to verify everything is working as +expected. + +## Notes + +- Adjust the build type (`Release`, `Debug`, etc.) as needed. +- Replace project-specific commands and dependency installation commands based + on your project's requirements. +- For macOS, additional steps for code signing and notarization are required only + for distribution. + +By closely following the GitHub Actions workflow for local setup, you're +creating a development environment that minimizes surprises during the +integration and deployment phases. diff --git a/src/content/docs/appendix/ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f3ac0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: System Requirement +--- + +Before proceeding with the installation and usage of GpgFrontend, it's crucial +to understand the system requirements that ensure optimal performance. This +section provides comprehensive details about the necessary software +dependencies, hardware specifications, and the compatible operating systems. +Meeting these requirements will ensure a smooth, efficient experience while +using GpgFrontend. + +Please read the following subsections carefully to confirm that your system +aligns with the recommended configurations. + +## Hardware + +While the specific hardware requirements largely depend on the size and +complexity of the data you're working with, we generally recommend: + +A computer with at least 1 GB of RAM. However, 2 GB or more is preferable for +smoother performance. The majority of these resources are allocated to your +operating system, but around 100 MB of memory is needed to ensure the smooth +running of GpgFrontend. At least 200 MB of free disk space for software +installation. Additional space will be needed for ongoing work. + +Please note, these requirements are intended to be guidelines rather than strict +rules. It's possible that GpgFrontend will work on lower-spec hardware, but for +optimal performance, the above specifications are recommended. + +## Operating System + +GpgFrontend is compatible with major operating systems including Linux, macOS, +and Windows. Specifically, it recommends Windows 7 and later, macOS 11 and +later, and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or other equivalent Linux distributions. + +## Software + +To ensure GpgFrontend functions seamlessly, it relies on the following software +dependencies: + +- **Qt Framework:** GpgFrontend is developed using the Qt framework to offer a + rich user experience and cross-platform compatibility. The application + includes: + + - **Qt6:** The primary build utilizes Qt6, ensuring a modern interface and + robust performance. Qt6 is included in the release packages for Linux, + macOS, and Windows, offering straightforward setup without additional + installations. + - **Qt5 Support for Windows:** Recognizing the need to accommodate users on + older versions of Windows, GpgFrontend also provides a Qt5-based version. + This variant ensures compatibility with earlier Windows environments, + extending the tool's accessibility and usability. + +- **GnuPG 2.2.0 or Higher:** GpgFrontend integrates with GnuPG for its + cryptographic operations, including encryption, decryption, and digital + signing. GnuPG (version 2.2.0 or newer) is a necessary component to leverage + the full capabilities of GpgFrontend. Please note, GnuPG 1.x versions are not + supported by GpgFrontend due to differences in functionality and support. + Users are encouraged to use GnuPG 2.x to ensure compatibility and secure + operations. + +By catering to a wide range of operating systems and ensuring backward +compatibility with older Windows versions through Qt5 support, GpgFrontend +strives to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. + +## Network + +Although not necessary for basic operation, an active Internet connection may be +required for software updates and accessing online help resources. + +Please note that these are the minimal requirements that we tested, and actual +requirements for your use case could be higher, especially for large datasets. diff --git a/src/content/docs/appendix/ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c02085 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/appendix/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: Translate Interface +sidebar: + label: Translate +--- + +GpgFrontend is designed to support multiple languages, but requires volunteer +contributions to achieve this goal. Fortunately, translation work does not +require an understanding of difficult technology. Volunteers only need to move +their fingers to complete. + +## Work Offline + +### What you need to know about translation work + +From v2.1.2, GpgFrontend uses the Qt translation support library [Qt +Linguist]( in the Qt project. +Before starting everything, you need to know something about this library. After +you are sure about the content of the document, you can first try to see how +GpgFrontend uses the tools provided by this library. + +### About translation files + +1. Download or clone source code + [HERE]( +2. You will find some ts files(.ts) at path `resource/lfs/locale/ts` + +### Before starting your work + +In order to facilitate coordination, please contact me via email before you +start this work. This is very important, please contact me first so that the +work you do can be better used by GpgFrontend. + +### Updates to Translation Work Process + +- **For correcting existing translations**: You can directly modify the ts files + and then send them to me via email. +- **For adding a new language translation**: If you're unfamiliar with the + process, you can request a new ts file by emailing me. I will provide you with + the necessary file to start the translation for the new language. + +### Hand in your work + +You can submit your great work in two ways: + +1. Raise a pull request and merge the changed translation file(s) to the + repository. +2. [Email ME]( Please attach the changed ts file in the + email. diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c43887e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +--- +title: Encrypt & Sign File +--- + +GpgFrontend offers a fast and convenient method for working with files. The +encryption and decryption process for files is nearly identical to that of text, +with the exception that file operations involve binary input and output. + +## File Extension Introduction + +For ciphertext in ASCII format, the file extension is typically "asc" and these +files can be opened with a text editor. On the other hand, if the ciphertext is +in binary format, the file extension will be "gpg". Binary ciphertext files are +generally smaller than ASCII format. + +Before version 2.0.4, GpgFrontend generated ciphertext files exclusively in +ASCII format. However, beginning with version 2.0.4, GpgFrontend now generates +ciphertext files in binary format by default. This setting can be adjusted in +the program's settings. + +![image-20220112073548736]( + +## File Browser + +From the top menu's "File" option, you can access the file browser by pressing +Ctrl/Command + B. After choosing target directory at system navigator, you +can then use the file browser tab to do some operations on files. By using the +file browser, you can navigate to your working directory and right-click on the +file you wish to work with. This will open a pop-up menu, where you can select +the operation you want to perform on the file. + +![image-20220112072034647]( + +Located at the top of the file tab are two control buttons. The button on the +left allows you to navigate up one level in the directory hierarchy, while the +button on the right refreshes the input box on the left with the corresponding +path. + +On the far right of the file tab, there is a button with useful options that you +can select to show system files or hidden files. + +![image-20220112072335503]( + +### Encrypt & Sign + +GpgFrontend recommends using the encryption and signature functions in this +method, so that the recipient can verify that the ciphertext originates from +you. You can select one or more recipients' public keys as well as your own +private key to complete this operation. + +When the operation is complete, a file with the ".gpg" extension is generated. +This file contains both encrypted content and signed content. + +![Peek 2022-01-12 07-26]( + +### Decrypt & Verify + +When decrypting this ciphertext, it undergoes verification, which enhances +security. Additionally, you can perform a "Only Verify" operation which verifies +the content without decrypting it. To use this operation, you must select a file +with a ".gpg" or ".asc" extension, which contains the ciphertext and signature +content. + +To encourage users to verify whether the ciphertext is signed or not when +decrypting, Gpg Frontend does not provide a separate decryption operation for +this. + +![Peek 2022-01-12 07-24]( diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8db7af --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +--- +title: Encrypt & Decrypt Text +--- + +The processes of encryption and decryption are fundamental to ensuring the +privacy and security of digital communications. GpgFrontend, a graphical +interface for GnuPG, simplifies these operations, making it accessible for users +to securely encrypt and decrypt text. Before diving into the specifics of how +GpgFrontend facilitates these operations, it's essential to understand the +underlying concepts and the prerequisites for encryption and decryption. + +Encryption is the process of converting plain text into a scrambled format known +as ciphertext, which is unreadable to anyone except those who possess the +correct key to decrypt it. This transformation is done using an encryption +algorithm and a key. In the context of GpgFrontend and most modern encryption +practices, this key is the recipient's public key. A public key is part of a key +pair that includes a private key; together, they are used in asymmetric +encryption, a cornerstone of modern cryptography. + +To initiate encryption with GpgFrontend, the sender must first have access to +the recipient's public key. This key is used to encrypt the message, ensuring +that only the recipient, who holds the corresponding private key, can decrypt +and read the message. The public key can encrypt messages, but cannot decrypt +them. This is a crucial aspect of asymmetric cryptography: it allows anyone to +send encrypted messages to the key owner without being able to decrypt messages +encrypted with that same public key. + +Generating a key pair is the first step in being able to engage in these secure +communications. This process usually involves choosing a key type and size, with +larger keys offering higher security. Once generated, the key pair consists of a +private key, which must be kept secure and confidential, and a public key, which +can be shared with anyone who wishes to send you encrypted messages. + +Decrypting a message with GpgFrontend requires the private key corresponding to +the public key used for encryption. Upon receiving an encrypted message, the +recipient uses their private key with GpgFrontend to decrypt the ciphertext back +into readable plain text. This decryption process is secure because the private +key is never shared, and it is computationally infeasible for an attacker to +derive the private key from the public key or the encrypted message. + +GpgFrontend streamlines these operations, providing a user-friendly interface +that abstracts the complexities of cryptographic operations. Users can easily +import public keys, encrypt messages or files for specific recipients, and +decrypt incoming messages or files using their private keys. This makes +GpgFrontend an invaluable tool for anyone needing to secure their digital +communications, from sensitive personal correspondence to confidential business +communications. + +In summary, encryption and decryption with GpgFrontend rely on the foundational +principles of asymmetric cryptography, where a public key is used for +encryption, and a corresponding private key is used for decryption. Before +engaging in these operations, users must generate a key pair and share their +public key with those from whom they wish to receive encrypted messages. This +setup ensures that only intended recipients can read the contents of encrypted +communications, providing a robust framework for privacy and security in the +digital age. + +## Encrypt + +The Encrypt operation itself uses a public key and does not require a private +key. Remember that whoever you want to send it to encrypts it with whose public +key. For people who don't use gpg very often, they often get confused and use +their own keys to encrypt ciphertext. + +### Only Encrypt + +In this case, you only encrypt the ciphertext, which results in a shorter +ciphertext. This is because the ciphertext does not contain additional signature +information that identifies the encryptor. If you do not want the recipient to +know your identity, use this method to generate your ciphertexts. + +After the encryption operation, no additional information will be displayed in +the information board except for a prompt indicating whether the operation was +successful. + +![Only Encrypt]( + +### Encrypt Sign + +To encrypt and sign text, you need to first prepare the plaintext and have a +public key that can perform encryption operations. The public key used for +encryption should belong to the intended recipient, not yourself. It is +important to verify that the recipient's public key has cryptographic +capabilities for encryption before proceeding. + +If you want the recipient to know that the ciphertext is from you, you can also +choose to sign the text while encrypting it. This ensures that the decrypted +text is credible and comes from your hand. This method is commonly used when +both parties need to ensure the authenticity of the decrypted text, and +typically in scenarios where both parties know each other. + +To encrypt and sign at the same time, select the public key(s) you need to use +for encryption, and during the encryption process, select the private key you +need to use for signing. This private key should belong to you and should have +the capability for signature operations. You can verify this by checking the +usage column in the key toolbox on the right (letter S stands for signature). + +The ciphertext generated by this operation is longer than ciphertext generated +by only encryption because of the additional signature information attached to +it. After the operation is complete, information about the cryptographic and +signature operations will be displayed in the Infomation Board, including +information about the signature pattern and algorithm used. + +To verify the authenticity of the ciphertext before decryption, you can use the +validate operation. Once the ciphertext is verified, you can proceed with +decryption using your private key. + +![GIF]( + +## Decrypt + +When decrypting the ciphertext, you can simply paste the obtained ciphertext +into GpgFrontend, and it will automatically select the appropriate private key +for decryption. It is important to note that decryption must be performed with +the private key associated with the public key used for encryption. + +![Decrypt]( + +When decrypting a ciphertext, it is not necessary to check the usage column in +the key toolbox to determine if the key is valid for decryption. Instead, you +need to use a valid private key that corresponds to the public key used for +encryption. You can identify whether a key is a public key or a private key by +checking the type column in the key toolbox. If all your local keys are not +valid for decryption of the ciphertext, the program will display a decryption +failure message. + +## Decrypt Verify + +During decryption with verification, gpg will check the signature attached to +the ciphertext to ensure its authenticity. This provides an additional layer of +security and helps to prevent tampering with the encrypted message. + +To perform decryption with verification, you need to select a file with a ".gpg" +or ".asc" extension, which contains the ciphertext and signature content. If the +signature is valid, gpg will decrypt the message and display it in plain text. +Otherwise, it will display an error message indicating that the signature is not +valid. + +It is important to note that whether a key pair can be used for verification +will not be displayed in the usage column. Instead, you need to remember that a +valid public key can be used for verification. Therefore, it is a good habit to +always verify the signature during decryption, regardless of whether the +encryptor has signed in advance. This helps to ensure the authenticity and +integrity of the decrypted message. + +![Decrypt Verify]( diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd19888 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +--- +title: Fundamental Concepts for Beginners +sidebar: + label: Fundamental Concepts + order: 1 +--- + +If you're new to GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) or PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), it's +essential to understand some key concepts before diving in. This knowledge can +help you avoid common pitfalls, such as accidentally sharing your private key, +and ensure your communications remain secure. + +## Key Concepts of GPG/PGP + +### Key Pair Basics + +In the world of GPG/PGP, everything starts with a key pair. Think of a key pair +like a set of two uniquely related keys on a key ring: + +- **Public Key**: This is like your home address that you can share with anyone. + Others will use it to send you encrypted messages or verify your digital + signature. +- **Private Key**: This is akin to the key to your house. It must be kept secret + because it can decrypt the messages sent to you or sign messages from you. + +#### Why Both Keys? + +The magic of this system lies in its use of cryptographic algorithms. Data +encrypted with your public key can only be decrypted by your private key, and +vice versa. This ensures that only the intended recipient can read the message, +and it can verify the sender's identity if a signature is used. + +### Generating Your Key Pair + +Before you can start encrypting or signing anything, you need to generate your +key pair. This process involves choosing a cryptographic algorithm (like RSA or +DSA) and often setting a key size (with larger sizes being more secure but +slower). + +#### Safety First + +When creating your key pair, you'll also be asked to enter a passphrase. This +adds an extra layer of security, as the passphrase will be needed to access your +private key. Choose a strong, memorable passphrase to protect your key. + +### Understanding Subkeys + +A GPG key pair doesn't have to be limited to just one public and one private +key. You can generate subkeys for specific purposes, such as: + +- **Encryption Subkey**: Used solely for encrypting and decrypting messages. +- **Signing Subkey**: Used for creating and verifying digital signatures. + +Subkeys are tied to your primary key pair but can be revoked or replaced +independently, which is useful if a subkey is compromised but your primary key +remains secure. + +### The Role of the Primary Key + +Your primary key pair is the foundation of your GPG identity. All subkeys are +associated with this primary pair. The primary key is typically used for +signing, to establish trust within the network, and to certify subkeys. + +#### Protect Your Primary Key + +If your primary private key is compromised, the entire security of your key ring +is at risk. Therefore, it's crucial to: + +- Keep your primary private key in a secure location. +- Use subkeys for day-to-day encryption and signing tasks. +- Consider using hardware security modules (HSMs) or smart cards to store keys + securely. + +## Best Practices for Beginners + +1. **Backup Your Keys**: Securely backup your private keys (especially the + primary one) in case of hardware failure or loss. +2. **Use Strong Passphrases**: Your key's security is only as good as your + passphrase. Use a long, complex passphrase that is difficult to guess. +3. **Regularly Update Your Keys**: Over time, cryptographic standards evolve. + Regularly review and update your keys and algorithms to ensure they remain + secure. +4. **Learn Key Management**: Practice importing, exporting, revoking, and + verifying keys. Good key management habits are crucial for maintaining your + security over time. +5. **Engage with the Community**: The GPG/PGP community is vast and supportive. + Join forums, read blogs, and participate in discussions to learn from + experienced users. + +By understanding these fundamental concepts and adhering to best practices, +you'll be well on your way to securely using GPG/PGP. Remember, the goal is to +protect your communications and identity in the digital world, and a solid grasp +of these basics is the first step. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c52f6d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +--- +title: Generate Key Pair & Subkey +sidebar: + order: 3 +--- + +Sure, let's go through the process of generating a key pair and subkeys. + +To generate a key pair using GpgFrontend, follow these steps: + +1. Open GpgFrontend and click on the "Generate Key" button. +2. Fill in the required information, such as your name and email address. +3. Choose the type of key you want to generate (RSA, DSA or ECC). +4. Set the key size and expiration date, if desired. +5. Create a passphrase to protect your private key. +6. Click "Generate" to create your key pair. + +Once your key pair is generated, you can add subkeys to it by following these +steps: + +1. Select the key pair you want to add a subkey to. +2. Click on the "Add Subkey" button. +3. Choose the type of subkey you want to add (encryption, signing, + authentication, or all). +4. Set the subkey size and expiration date, if desired. +5. Create a passphrase to protect your subkey. +6. Click "Add" to create your subkey. + +You can add multiple subkeys to a key pair, each with their own specific +purposes. This allows you to have more control over your key pair's security and +usage. + +## Generate Key Pair + +You can quickly understand the process of generating a key pair by watching the +following animation. + +![GIF]( + +### Name & Email & Comment + +The three fields, including name, email, and comment, are used to help users +differentiate this key pair from other key pairs they may have. Among these +three options, name and email are mandatory, while comment is optional. + +It is important to note that the name should be at least 5 characters long, and +the email should follow the correct format (no actual email account is +required). + +![uid]( + +### Expiration Date + +Setting an expiration date for the key pair is a way to limit the validity of +the key over time. Once the expiration date is reached, the key can still be +used, but its operations, especially signature operations, will be considered +invalid. By default, GpgFrontend suggests setting the expiration date to two +years after generation, but you can also choose to check the "Never expire" +checkbox to make the key pair permanent. + +It's important to note that this option can be changed at any time after +generation, even after the expiration date has passed, as long as the primary +key still exists. + +![expiration-date]( + +### Key Size & Algo + +Setting an expiration date for the key pair is a way to limit the validity of +the key over time. Once the expiration date is reached, the key can still be +used, but its operations, especially signature operations, will be considered +invalid. By default, GpgFrontend suggests setting the expiration date to two +years after generation, but you can also choose to check the "Never expire" +checkbox to make the key pair permanent. + +It's important to note that this option can be changed at any time after +generation, even after the expiration date has passed, as long as the primary +key still exists. + +![keysize-algo]( + +### Passphrase + +Setting a password to protect the primary key is crucial in case of a security +breach. If the "Do not set password" checkbox is unchecked, you will be prompted +to enter a password during the key pair generation process. Follow the prompts +to set the password. Once the password is set, whenever you need to use the +primary key for an operation, you will need to enter the password to unlock it +(some systems have a password manager to automate this process). + +However, you can also check the "Do not set password" checkbox to skip setting a +protection password for the primary key. But this is not recommended due to +security concerns. + +### Usage + +When generating a key pair, you can specify the usage for the first subkey, +which is the primary key. There are four options: + +![usages]( + +- Encryption: Once generated, this key can be used for encryption purposes. + +- Signing: Once generated, this key can be used for signature purposes. + +- Certification: This key can be used to certify or verify other keys. Only the + primary key can have this usage. + +- Authentication: This key can be used for authentication purposes, such as with + SSH keys. + +The third of these four uses (authentication purposes) can only be owned by the +primary key. In addition, some usages are not available when using certain +algorithms for encryption. For example, when the DSA algorithm is selected, the +encryption uses are disabled. + +## Generate Subkey + +It is possible to append subkeys to an existing key pair. The subkey does not +require the input of a name, email, or comment, as the remaining steps are +essentially identical to those for generating a key pair. + +![Generate Subkey]( + +### Extra note + +Below are some guidelines that may prove useful in comprehending the +aforementioned concepts and utilizing this tool accurately. + +#### Understanding Primary Keys and Subkeys + +In the realm of cryptography, key management plays a crucial role in ensuring +data security. A key pair consists of a primary key and one or more subkeys, +each serving distinct functions yet working together to secure and manage +digital identities and communications. This structure not only enhances security +but also provides flexibility in key usage and management. + +#### The Role of Primary Key and Subkeys + +- **Primary Key**: The primary key is the cornerstone of your cryptographic + identity. It is used for identity verification, which includes signing other + keys to establish trust. The primary key's signature on a subkey validates the + subkey's association with the identity of the primary key holder. + +- **Subkeys**: Subkeys are associated with the primary key and are used for + encryption and signing documents or messages. Subkeys can be thought of as + extensions of the primary key, each designated for specific tasks. This + separation of duties allows for greater security and operational flexibility. + For example, you can have separate subkeys for signing and encryption. + +#### Advantages of Using Subkeys + +1. **Enhanced Security**: By using subkeys for day-to-day operations, you + minimize the risk associated with key exposure. If a subkey is compromised, + it can be revoked without affecting the primary key or other subkeys, thereby + limiting the potential damage. + +2. **Operational Flexibility**: Subkeys allow for specific roles (e.g., signing, + encryption) to be isolated. This means you can renew or revoke subkeys as + needed without disrupting the overall cryptographic setup. + +3. **Convenient Key Rotation**: Regularly updating keys is a best practice in + cryptography. Subkeys make it easier to rotate keys for signing and + encryption without needing to re-establish the primary key's trust + relationships. + +#### Managing Primary Keys and Subkeys + +- **Secure Storage**: The primary key should be stored in a highly secure + location, preferably offline or in a hardware security module (HSM), to + prevent unauthorized access. This is because the loss or compromise of the + primary key jeopardizes the entire cryptographic framework. + +- **Key Generation and Maintenance**: While tools like GpgFrontend provide + user-friendly interfaces for managing keys, they may lack support for advanced + operations like generating multiple subkeys. Therefore, using the command-line + `gpg` tool for such tasks is advisable. Despite this limitation, GpgFrontend + can play a critical role in monitoring the presence of the primary key, which + is essential for certain operations like adding subkeys or signing other keys. + +- **Revocation and Renewal**: Prepare revocation certificates for your primary + key and subkeys in advance. In case of key compromise or expiration, these + certificates allow you to invalidate the keys, informing others in your trust + network not to use them anymore. + +#### Practical Tips for Effective Key Management + +- **Purpose-Specific Subkeys**: If your primary key was not generated with + certain capabilities (e.g., encryption), you can create a subkey with the + required functionality. This allows the key pair to be used for the intended + cryptographic operations without regenerating the primary key. + +- **Multiple Subkeys for Different Devices**: For users operating across + multiple devices, generating separate subkeys for each device can enhance + security. If one device is compromised, only the subkey on that device needs + to be revoked, leaving the others unaffected. + +- **Backup and Recovery**: Regularly back up your key pair, including the + primary key and all subkeys. Secure backups ensure that you can recover your + cryptographic capabilities even in the event of hardware failure or data loss. + +In summary, understanding and implementing a robust key management strategy, +with a clear distinction between primary keys and subkeys, is essential for +maintaining the integrity and security of cryptographic operations. By adhering +to best practices for key usage, storage, and renewal, users can safeguard their +digital identities and ensure the confidentiality and authenticity of their +communications. diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8f35d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +--- +title: Import & Export Key Pair +--- + +GpgFrontend provides various methods for importing or exporting key pairs, some +of which are outlined below. Please refer to the guide for more information. + +## Import Key Pair + +To access the import options, navigate to the toolbar and select the desired +method based on your specific requirements. Additionally, you can access +additional options by selecting the action menu in the key management section. + +![Import Key Pair]( + +In fact, you can find the action menu in the key management section, which +provides access to additional key management options beyond those available in +the toolbar. + +![Import Key Pair 2]( + +### File + +This option allows you to select a public or private key file in text format +with any extension to import. + +### Editor + +You can paste the contents of a key file onto a blank text label page and +GpgFrontend will automatically recognize and import the corresponding key. + +### Clipboard + +You can copy the contents of a key to your system clipboard and then select this +option to import the corresponding key. + +### Key server + +This feature enables users to search for and import public keys from a key +server. Users must first enter the email or ID associated with the desired key +and select the appropriate key server. Upon clicking the search button, a list +of public keys that can be imported from the server will be displayed. Users can +choose to import multiple keys together or double-click on a specific table row +to import a corresponding public key. It is important to note that when using +this method, only public keys can be imported. + +A detailed description of this part can be found +[Here](./ + +### Dropdown on Key Toolbox + +You can drag the key file directly to the key toolbox, and then follow the +prompts of GpgFrontend to import the key. + +## Export Key Pair + +When deriving the public key of a key pair using the private key, you can derive +either the public key or the private key or both of all the keys present in the +key pair. However, if there are numerous keys in the key pair, the exported data +can be lengthy. Multiple export methods are available, which are similar to the +import process. + +In Gpg Frontend, the exported data is encoded in ASCII to ensure compatibility +between computers. + +### Export Public Key + +You can find this operation in many places. The following will introduce them +one by one. + +#### Append Public Key to Editor + +To append a public key to the editor in GpgFrontend, right-click on a row in the +key toolbox and select "Append Select Key(s) to Editor" from the pop-up menu. +This will add the public key of the selected key to the end of the text label +page. You can then copy the content to any location as needed. + +#### Export on the Key Pair at Operations Tab + +To export a public key using the Key Pair at Operations Tab, follow the steps +shown in the screenshot below. This will save the data to a file. Before +proceeding, please make sure to choose a suitable directory to store the file +containing the public key data. + +![Export on the Key Pair at Operations Tab]( + +### Export multiple public keys at once + +To export public key data for multiple key pairs at once, select the desired key +pairs on the key management interface and click on the "Export to Clipboard" +option. This will copy the data to your system clipboard, which you can then +paste into any application or file. + +![Export multiple public keys at once]( + +### Export Private Key + +Private key options are available in various locations on the detail page that +contains the private key (either the primary key or subkey). From there, you can +select a destination and GpgFrontend will export the corresponding private key +content to that location. + +![Export Private Key]( + +Exporting the private key also exports both the public key and private key data, +as the private key data alone is meaningless without the corresponding public +key. Thus, the private key content is typically bundled with the public key +content during export. However, it's essential to note that the private key file +should never be disclosed to others. If leaked, it could compromise the security +of all ciphertexts encrypted by the key. + +You can export the private key data in your key pair in two ways. + +1. Full export: Include all key data and UID and UID signature in the key pair. +2. Minimal export: Only all key data in the key pair is included. diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c01b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +--- +title: Key Server Operations +--- + +Key servers play a pivotal role in the ecosystem of encrypted communication, +serving as a centralized repository for public key information. These servers +enable individuals to share and retrieve public keys necessary for encrypted +messaging, even when direct exchange is not feasible. Key servers are +particularly useful in scenarios where secure communication needs to be +established without prior direct contact, or when a user's public key needs to +be widely distributed or updated due to security concerns. + +When you wish to send an encrypted message but lack the recipient's public key, +key servers offer a solution by allowing you to search for and retrieve the +public key associated with the recipient's email address or key ID. This process +facilitates the encryption of messages in a way that ensures only the intended +recipient, who possesses the corresponding private key, can decrypt and read the +message. + +Moreover, key servers are integral to maintaining the integrity and +trustworthiness of the public key infrastructure. If a user's private key is +compromised, it is crucial to inform others not to use the associated public key +for encrypting messages anymore. By uploading a new public key to a key server +and marking the old one as obsolete or compromised, users can mitigate the risks +associated with the exposure of their private key. + +The functionality of key servers is enhanced by software tools such as +GpgFrontend, which simplifies the process of managing public keys. With +GpgFrontend, users can effortlessly upload their public key to key servers, +search for other users' public keys using an email address or key ID, and import +these keys for use in encrypted communication. The software's user-friendly +interface enables these operations to be performed with just a few mouse clicks, +making encrypted communication more accessible to a broader audience. + +It is important to note that once public key information is uploaded to a key +server, it is propagated across a network of key servers worldwide, making it +available to anyone who searches for it. This wide distribution ensures that +encrypted communication can be established easily across different platforms and +geographical locations. However, users should be aware that public keys uploaded +to key servers cannot be deleted, emphasizing the importance of careful key +management. In situations where a key needs to be updated, such as when adding a +subkey to a key pair, the new key information can overwrite the old one on the +server, thus maintaining the security and relevance of the key information +available to the public. + +In summary, key servers are essential for the secure and efficient exchange of +encrypted messages, offering a reliable method for sharing and retrieving public +keys. They support the integrity of secure communications by facilitating the +widespread distribution of public keys and enabling users to update or replace +keys when necessary. + +## Import Public Key From Key Server + +In the main page or in the key manager's Import key operation mode, there is a +key server option. After selecting this option you can see such an interface. + +![Import Public Key From Key Server]( + +You can get a list of public keys associated with a key server by searching for +Key ID, fingerprint or email address via the search box. If there is a suitable +public key in the list, you can import it by double-clicking it. + +![Import Public Key From Key Server 1]( + +When the import is complete, you can check whether the public key is actually +imported through the pop-up window (no need to import when the local public key +is newer), and you can also check some brief information about the public key. + +![Import Public Key From Key Server 2]( + +It is important to note that the public key you import may have expired or been +revoked. You can check the status of the key by navigating to the category tab +in the key management interface. In addition to the search box, you may also +notice a drop-down box that allows you to choose which key server to retrieve +the public key information from. To modify or add to this list of candidate +servers, please refer to the last section of this document: Key server related +settings. + +## Export My Public Key To The Key Server + +If the current key pair has a master key, you have the option to publish the +public key information to a key server. It is important to note that in order to +avoid confusion, GpgFrontend requires the presence of a master key for this +action to be performed. This ensures that users are aware of what they are doing +and the function being performed. + +### How To Use + +You can find the entry of this operation through the operation tab of the key +pair detail interface, as shown in the following figure. + +![Export My Public Key To The Key Server]( + +Perform the operation by clicking Upload key pair to key server. Note that the +naming of operations here is a bit confusing, but this is where your public key +information (not your private key) will be uploaded. + +### Synchronize public key information from a key server + +Sometimes, before you perform an encryption operation, you want to know if the +public key you are using is still valid. At this point, you can get the latest +information about the key from the key server (if the public key server has +one). + +As above, you can find this action in the Actions tab of the key pair details +screen, as shown in the image below. + +GpgFrontend will upload the public key information to the default key server +you set. The private key information is not uploaded and should not be manually +uploaded anywhere by the user. + +Refer to the last section of this document on how to set the default key server. + +![Set Default Key Server]( + +The "Synchronize key pair with key server" function allows for automatic +retrieval of public key information from the key server, which is then compared +with the local key information. After the operation is completed, a pop-up +window will appear indicating whether the key has actually been updated. It +should be noted that this operation is not possible if the private key exists +locally. This is because, in such a case, you already have the key pair and +should publish the latest information for the key pair instead of accepting +outdated information from the key server. + +### Extra Information + +GpgFrontend automatically communicates with the default key server that you have +set to obtain the necessary information. You can refer to the last section of +this document to learn how to set the default key server. + +## Sync ALL Public Key + +This is an advanced function provided by GpgFrontend, it can synchronize all +your local public key information at one time, if you want to know, please read +[this document](../features/ + +## Key Server Related Settings + +If you want to set a list of key servers or a default key server, you can do so +by accessing the Settings interface and navigating to the Key Servers tab. Here, +you will find options for managing your key server candidate list and +determining which key server is set as the default. + +![Key Server Related Settings]( + +To add a candidate key server to the list, simply enter the http or https +address of the key server you wish to add into the input box and click "Add". It +is strongly recommended that users use the https protocol to prevent +man-in-the-middle attacks. If you wish to delete a candidate key server, simply +right-click on the corresponding row in the table and select "Delete" from the +pop-up menu. To edit an existing candidate key server address, double-click on +the address in the table and edit it. + +To test the network connectivity of the servers in the key server candidate +list, click the "Test" button located at the bottom of the Key Servers tab. +However, note that the test only determines if the keyserver is reachable, not +whether the address is a valid keyserver. + +### Set Default Key Server + +To set a candidate key server as your default key server, you can follow these +steps. First, locate the candidate key server you want to set as the default in +the table. Then, right-click the row of the corresponding key server, and click +"Set as Default" in the pop-up menu. Once set, you can verify whether a +candidate key server is the default key server by checking the first column of +the table. diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c25ddd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +title: Signing & Verifying Files +--- + +GpgFrontend extends its utility from handling text-based operations to +facilitating file operations with ease and security. The principle behind +signing and verifying files mirrors that of text, leveraging the robust +framework of digital signatures. However, a significant distinction lies in the +nature of the input and output for file operations, which can be binary, +accommodating a wider range of file types beyond simple text documents. + +When signing a file using GpgFrontend, the software utilizes the private key of +the user to create a digital signature. This process begins by computing a hash +of the file's contents, regardless of whether the file is a document, image, +executable, or any other binary format. This hash serves as a compact +representation of the file's data. Subsequently, the hash is encrypted with the +user's private key, producing a digital signature unique to both the file and +the key used. The resulting signature can either be attached to the file or +stored separately, depending on the user's preference and the requirements of +the application. + +Verifying a signed file with GpgFrontend involves the corresponding public key +of the private key that was used for signing. The verification process decrypts +the digital signature using this public key to extract the original hash value +that was generated during the signing. Simultaneously, the software computes a +new hash from the file that is purported to be authentic. By comparing these two +hash values, GpgFrontend can determine if the file has been altered after it was +signed. If the hashes match, it confirms the file's integrity and authenticity, +assuring the recipient of its untampered state and the signer's identity. + +This binary capability of file operations in GpgFrontend not only broadens the +scope of digital signatures to encompass a variety of file types but also +ensures that the integrity and authenticity verification process is not limited +to text-based data. It provides a critical layer of security in digital +communications, where files of all kinds are shared and exchanged with the +expectation of privacy and trust. + +The application of digital signatures to files through tools like GpgFrontend is +especially relevant in scenarios where the authenticity of the file source and +the integrity of its contents are paramount. This includes software +distribution, where verifying the source and integrity of software packages is +crucial to prevent malware distribution; document sharing in legal and financial +contexts, where tampering could have serious implications; and multimedia +content distribution, where copyright and ownership are significant concerns. + +In summary, GpgFrontend's support for signing and verifying files elevates the +security of digital file exchanges by applying the principles of cryptography in +a user-friendly manner. By accommodating binary file operations, it ensures that +digital signatures are accessible and applicable across a broad spectrum of file +types, reinforcing the pillars of trust and security in digital communications. + +## Introduction to File Extensions + +For ASCII-formatted ciphertext, the filename suffix is usually "asc", and these +files can be opened directly with a text editor. However, if the ciphertext is +binary, its file extension will be "sig" or "gpg". Typically, binary ciphertext +files are smaller than ASCII-formatted ones. + +Prior to v2.0.4, the ciphertext files generated by GpgFrontend were all in ASCII +format. But starting with v2.0.4, GpgFrontend defaults to generating +binary-formatted ciphertext files. You can modify this setting in the settings. + +![image-20220112073548736]( + +## File Browser + +You can open the file browser (Ctrl/Command + B) via the top menu file option. +After selecting a target directory at system navigator, you can get a new File +browser tab. Using the file browser, navigate to your working directory. Then, +right-click the file you wish to operate on, and select the desired operation +from the pop-up menu. + +![File Browser]( + +Two control buttons are located at the top of the file tab. The one on the left +allows you to go up a level, and the one on the right enables you to enter or +refresh the corresponding path in the input box on the left. + +On the far right is a button offering useful options, such as displaying system +files or hidden files. + +![File Browser 2]( + +### Sign + +Through the right-click menu, you can rapidly sign a file. This operation will +generate a file with a "sig" or "asc" suffix, which contains the signature +content. In this scenario, you need to pass both this file and the original file +to the other party to allow them to verify it. + +![Sign File]( + +### Verify + +This operation requires you to select a file with a "gpg" suffix (this may be +invalid for binary file ciphertext) or a file with a "sig" suffix for +verification. + +When selecting a file with the "sig" suffix, ensure that the source file is also +present in this directory. This implies that the source file's name is simply +missing a "sig" suffix. + +![Verify File]( diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02d7057 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +--- +title: Signing & Verifying Text +--- + +Digital signatures, much like their analog counterparts, serve as a method for +asserting the authenticity and integrity of a digital document or message. +However, unlike traditional signatures, digital signatures offer a much higher +level of security, making it possible to ascertain not only the identity of the +signer but also whether the content has been tampered with since it was signed. + +The foundation of digital signing and verification lies in the field of public +key cryptography, a cornerstone of modern secure communication. This system +relies on two keys: a private key, which is kept secret by the owner, and a +public key, which can be shared with anyone. To sign a document, the signer uses +their private key to generate a digital signature on the document. This +signature is unique to both the document and the private key, ensuring that any +changes made to the document after it has been signed can be detected. + +Verification, on the other hand, requires the corresponding public key. When a +document is received along with its digital signature, the recipient can use the +signer's public key to verify the signature. This process checks that the +signature matches the document and was created with the private key +corresponding to the public key. If the document has been altered after signing, +the verification will fail, alerting the recipient to the tampering. + +One of the advantages of digital signatures is the ability to use multiple +private keys for signing a document, similar to having a document signed by +multiple parties. Each signer uses their private key to sign the document, and +each signature can be independently verified with the corresponding public key. +This method is particularly useful in scenarios requiring the approval or +authorization of multiple entities. + +Digital signatures are a critical component of secure communications, providing +assurances of authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation. Non-repudiation +means that a signer cannot later deny the authenticity of the signature on a +document they signed. This is especially important in legal, financial, and +sensitive communications, where trust and authenticity are paramount. + +Tools like GpgFrontend facilitate the process of creating and verifying digital +signatures in a user-friendly manner. GpgFrontend is built on top of the OpenPGP +standard, which is a widely accepted protocol for encryption and digital +signatures. The tool allows users to easily manage their encryption keys, sign +documents, and verify the signatures of received documents, thereby enhancing +the security and trustworthiness of digital communications. + +In summary, digital signing and verification through tools like GpgFrontend +leverage public key cryptography to ensure the security and integrity of digital +communications. By enabling users to sign documents with their private keys and +allowing others to verify those signatures with corresponding public keys, +digital signatures provide a robust mechanism for authenticating the origin and +integrity of digital documents, far surpassing the capabilities of traditional +handwritten signatures. + +## Signature Only + +By signing the text, you establish that you are the sole and unalterable +authority for this text. You can simply sign the text without encrypting it as +follows: + +![Peek 2022-01-12 +06-50]( + +To check whether a key can be used for signing, please review the 'Usage' column +in the key toolbox on the right (the letter 'S' stands for signature). + +## Signature with Encryption + +You also have the option to sign and encrypt at the same time by choosing a +public key for encryption and your private key for signing. This is a common +practice where you select two key pairs: one belonging to someone else for +encryption, and your private key for signing. If you don't select a key for +signing, only encryption is possible, but you will receive a warning. It's worth +noting that combining signing with encryption provides an additional layer of +security as it assures the recipient that the message hasn't been altered and it +came from the sender whose identity is verified by the digital signature. + +![Peek 2022-01-12 +06-54]( + +## Verification + +Once you have a plaintext and its corresponding signature, you can verify the +signature using the signer's public key. However, this type of signature isn't +suitable for emails as it can make the email less readable. + +![Peek 2022-01-12 +06-56]( + +To verify a signature with text, you need to have the corresponding public key +for all included signatures. If a suitable public key for a signature isn't +found locally during verification, GpgFrontend will prompt you to import it. + +![image-20220112070325556]( + +## Verification with Decryption + +When decrypting a ciphertext, it's advised to verify it simultaneously, +regardless of whether the encryptor signed it or not. It's impossible to +determine from the ciphertext's format if it has been signed. Therefore, it's a +good habit to always perform decryption operations with verification whenever +possible. + +![Peek 2022-01-12 +07-10]( diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6b7ed5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +title: Symmetric Encryption & Decryption +sidebar: + label: Symmetric Crypto +--- + +## About Symmetric Encryption & Decryption + +Symmetric encryption, in contrast to asymmetric encryption, uses a single key +for both the encryption of plaintext and the decryption of ciphertext. This +method is characterized by its simplicity and speed, making it a popular choice +for encrypting large volumes of data or for scenarios where the sharing of keys +between the sender and receiver can be securely managed. GpgFrontend provides a +user-friendly interface for implementing symmetric encryption, streamlining the +process for users who may not be familiar with the intricacies of cryptographic +operations. + +The process of symmetric encryption with GpgFrontend begins when a user opts to +encrypt data without selecting a recipient's public key from the Key Toolbox. +This action signals the software to use symmetric encryption for the task at +hand. At this point, the user is prompted to create a password. This password +acts as the encryption key, transforming the plaintext into ciphertext through a +cryptographic algorithm. It's crucial that this password is strong and unique, +as the security of the encrypted data directly depends on the password's +complexity and unpredictability. + +Once the password is established, GpgFrontend proceeds to encrypt the data. The +resulting ciphertext can only be decrypted with the exact password used for its +encryption. This means that anyone who wishes to access the encrypted data must +know the password, highlighting the importance of securely sharing this password +between the sender and receiver. + +Decrypting symmetrically encrypted data with GpgFrontend requires the same +password used during the encryption phase. When the 'Decrypt' function is +initiated, the software prompts the user to enter the password. Upon successful +authentication with the correct password, the software decrypts the ciphertext +back into readable plaintext. This decryption process, like encryption, is +straightforward and efficient, but the security of the data relies entirely on +the password's confidentiality. + +Symmetric encryption is particularly useful in scenarios where encrypted data +needs to be stored securely or transmitted over a secure channel, and where the +overhead of managing public and private keys is not desirable. However, the +challenge of securely exchanging the password between the sender and receiver +cannot be understated. If this password is intercepted or guessed by an +unauthorized party, the encrypted data's security is compromised. + +In summary, GpgFrontend's support for symmetric encryption provides a powerful +tool for users needing to secure their data with a password. This method is +distinguished by its reliance on a single password for both encryption and +decryption, offering a balance between simplicity and security. Users must +exercise caution in creating a strong password and ensure its secure exchange to +maintain the confidentiality and integrity of their encrypted data. Symmetric +encryption with GpgFrontend is a testament to the versatility of cryptographic +practices, catering to a wide range of security needs with user-friendly +solutions. + +## How to use it? + +Symmetric encryption is initiated when you click the 'Encrypt' button without +selecting any key in the Key Toolbox. For this type of encryption, a password +must be established for the encryption process. Subsequently, to decrypt the +data, you will need to provide the same password that was used during the +encryption phase. diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9825105 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +--- +title: Interface Understanding +sidebar: + order: 2 +--- + +As a beginner, you're only required to swiftly comprehend a few crucial sections +of the page. The exploration that follows will gradually unveil additional +functionalities. Bear in mind that interfaces may vary across different +versions. + +![Interface]( + +## Text Editor + +The text editing zone allows you the liberty to input any desired text or +establish a new tab through the "New" choice in the file menu at the top. Moving +or closing tabs can be done with ease as per your needs. + +Numerous operations can be performed on your text using options available in the +Operations Bar. Alternatively, you may utilize standard shortcuts like +Ctrl+C/V/S for copy, paste, and save operations, or even searching within the +text. + +The edited text within the text box is encoded in UTF8 without any formatting. +This plain text format ensures that no message alteration leads to confusion. +While we have plans to introduce rich text editing in the future, the specifics +are still being deliberated. + +### Large Text File Support + +GpgFrontend accommodates opening larger files without hindrance. However, when +dealing with relatively large files, editing of the tab won't be feasible until +the entire file is loaded. During this time, despite not being able to edit the +file, you still have the capability to view it. + +## Information Board + +GpgFrontend presents the outcome of the current tab page operation on the +Information Board, signifying the success or failure of the operation. +Additionally, the Information Board's text includes supplementary details to +assist in understanding the particulars of your encryption, decryption, +signature, and other operations. Depending on your language settings, the output +displayed on the dashboard may differ. + +The Information Board was conceived to provide a comprehensive view of more +information within the same space. However, GpgFrontend plans to incorporate a +graphical interface in the future to augment the user's comprehension of this +information. + +### Color Coding + +- **Green**: Indicates a successful operation that has been thoroughly verified + and found devoid of any issues. The appearance of green font color signifies + an all-clear. +- **Yellow**: Denotes a successful operation with some potential issues detected + during result testing. The yellow font color serves as a subtle alert for the + user, necessitating a detailed review of the operation. +- **Red**: Symbolizes an unsuccessful operation or a significant discrepancy in + the operation's outcome. The red font color acts as a clear warning, demanding + the user to meticulously inspect the operation's specifics to ensure security. + +### Customizable Font Size + +Should you find the font size on the information board to be diminutive, you can +easily adjust it under the 'Application' section in the settings. The default +font size is 10, and it can be modified to any value ranging from 9 to 18. + +### Dashboard Actions Menu + +The dashboard actions menu facilitates quick and easy access to common +functionalities related to the content of the information board. It empowers +users to efficiently manage and process large chunks of content on the +Information Board for various purposes. + +#### Copy + +This function allows users to swiftly capture significant portions of content +from the Information Board for other applications. + +#### Save File + +This operation archives the contents of the information board into the file +system, utilizing the UTF-8 format. Although the resultant output file lacks a +suffix, it is essentially in a plain text format. + +#### Clear + +This command promptly purges all content from the information board. The +clearance includes both the contents and statuses of the information board. A +new operation (such as encryption) will automatically trigger this clearing +process. + +### Optional Actions Menu + +In addition to the Information Board, an Optional Actions Menu will be presented +below it. If any auxiliary operations can be performed post your main operation +(such as displaying more detailed information, sending encrypted text via email, +etc.), the access points for these supplementary tasks will be made available +here. + +## Key ToolBox + +This feature presents a comprehensive list of key pairs stored on your device, +intended for use with Gpg operations. The keys within the ToolBox are classified +into multiple categories, each corresponding to a unique usage context. +Additionally, the ToolBox provides access to a variety of common operations, all +of which can be found in the Key List Menu. + +### Usage + +Most Gpg-related operations require specifying a key pair (for tasks like +encryption, decryption, signature, etc.). You can select the checkbox in the +first column of the Key ToolBox's table to designate one or more keys for your +operation. Categories that contain only public keys are frequently utilized in +cryptographic scenarios. + +### Classification + +The ToolBox showcases categories via tabbed display. None of these categories +include any expired or revoked keys. To view such keys, you should refer to the +Key Manager. The default category comprises all private and public keys. During +any operation, only the keys from the currently selected category will be +considered for input. + +### Columns + +Understanding this list is crucial. Let's walk through its components step by +step. + +- **Select**: Check the box in this column to notify Gpg Frontend that you wish + to use the key from this row for your subsequent operation. + +- **Type**: This column informs you about the key type and whether the primary + key exists in your key pair. + + - `pub` signifies that it is a public key, which can be used for encryption or + verification operations. + - `pub/sec` indicates that the key pair contains both public and private keys. + It can be employed for nearly all operations (consult the 'Usage' column to + confirm this). + - `pub/sec#` shows that the key pair has a public key and a private key, but + the primary key is absent from the key pair. This suggests you won't be able + to perform certain specific operations (like adding subkeys, signing other + key pairs, etc.) + - `pub/sec^` implies that one or more keys (subkeys or master keys) from the + key pair are in the smart card. + - `pub/sec#^` denotes a simultaneous occurrence of the previous two + situations. + +- **Name**: Represents the identity information of the key pair. +- **Email Address**: Also denotes the identity information of the key pair. +- **Usage**: Determines which operations the key pair can execute. Composed of + four uppercase letters, each letter signifies a specific use. + + - `C` stands for Certificate. Key pairs containing the primary key generally + have this usage. + - `E` stands for Encrypt. The key pair can be used for encryption operations. + - `S` stands for Sign. The key pair can be used for signing operations. + - `A` stands for Authenticate. The key pair can be used to perform operations + like SSH authentication. + +- **Validity**: A Gpg concept that roughly represents the level of trust in this + key. + +## Operations Bar + +Here, you can execute corresponding operations by clicking on the buttons +provided. For instance, after inputting text into a text editor and specifying +the desired key in the key toolbox, you can click the encryption button to +perform the operation. + +Some operations require key specification, while others do not, as will be +detailed in the respective sections of this document. + +### Customization + +For operations that you may not use for a while, you have the option to uncheck +the associated function group in the top menu view. Conversely, for the +operations you frequently use, you have the ability to add them here. diff --git a/src/content/docs/guides/ b/src/content/docs/guides/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d24c2d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/guides/ @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +--- +title: View Key Pair Details +sidebar: + label: Key Pair Details +--- + +You can view the details of a key pair by right-clicking on the key pair in the +key toolbox or key management interface and selecting "Show key details". + +This section may include a brief introduction to gpg-related concepts and could +be relatively long. + +Below is a screenshot of a friend's public key that I obtained from the key +server. + +![View Key Pair Details]( + +And here is a randomly generated private key. The most significant difference +between this and the previous key is that the key pair with only the public key +is used for encryption only, but if you possess the private key, you can perform +more actions (it also depends on your algorithm; DSA can only be used for +signatures). + +![View Key Pair Details 1]( + +## General Info + +This interface provides some useful information to help you manage your key pair +properly. + +### Owner + +This section enables you to know the owner of this key pair. This information is +not fixed and can be changed. You can create a new UID in the UID section and +set it as the primary UID to change it. + +According to the OpenPGP protocol, this part is divided into Name, Email, and +Comment. + +![View Key Pair Details Owner]( + +### Primary Key + +This part is the information of the primary key of the key pair. The primary key +is very crucial because without it, you cannot perform related management +operations like adding and revoking sub-keys (similar to not being able to open +the key ring). Let's introduce the information of the primary key separately +below. If you want to learn more, see the [Basic Concepts](../ +section. + +The absence of the master key means that the private key of the master key does +not exist, but this doesn't mean that neither the public key nor the private key +exists. Please remember: Each subkey and primary key consist of a pair of public +and private keys. + +![View Key Pair Details Primary Key]( + +#### Key ID + +This is the unique identifier of the key, which is fixed and unchanging. Note +that this key ID is the key ID of the primary key. The key ID is uniquely +determined after the key is generated. Compared with the fingerprint, the key ID +is shorter and more user-friendly. + +#### Algorithm + +This refers to the algorithm used for key generation. This also pertains to the +generation algorithm of the primary key. The generation algorithm determines the +properties and capabilities of the key. Algorithms such as RSA can be used for +encryption and signature, but DSA can only be used for signature. However, the +DSA key length can be shorter. + +#### Key Size + +This is the length of the primary key. Generally, the longer the key, the harder +it is to crack the ciphertext. But at the same time, it takes more time for a +single operation. Generally speaking, a length of 2048 bits is safe enough (this +refers to the key generated using the RSA algorithm). + +#### Normal Usage + +This refers to what the key pair can conceptually be used for, including the +conceptual usage of the primary key and sub-key. When the primary key or subkey +generation can be used to sign, but it has already expired or does not exist, +the signature usage will still be displayed here. + +#### Actual Usage + +This is the actual usage of the primary key and all subkeys, which is the union +of their usage. If there is only one primary key in the key pair that can be +used for signing, but this primary key does not exist, then the signature usage +will not appear here, only in Normal Usage. In addition, when there is only one +subkey that can be used for signing, if it has expired, the signature purpose +will not be displayed here. + +#### Expires on + +This is the expiration time of the primary key. When the primary key expires, it +will become invalid and you can't use it for any operation. In addition, the +subkeys in the key pair will also be unavailable. Fortunately, you can change +the expiration time of the primary key at any time, or even set it to never +expire. The prerequisite for this is that the primary key exists in the key +pair. + +#### Last Update + +This is the time when the content of the key pair was last updated. Operations +such as adding a UID or subkey will modify the content of the key pair. + +#### Secret Key Existence + +This indicates whether the actual content of the primary key exists. When the +primary key does not exist, if there are still available subkeys in the key +pair, the key pair can still be used for normal operations. However, in the +above case, the content of the key pair cannot be modified (that is, operations +such as adding UID or subkey cannot be performed), and the key pair cannot sign +other key pairs. + +### Fingerprint + +![View Key Pair Details Fingerprint]( + +The fingerprint of the key pair is used for humans to quickly compare whether +the key pair is the expected key pair. This field is unique for all keys in the +world. You can certainly do this with the key ID mentioned above. + +This also refers to the fingerprint of the primary key. + +## UID Info + +User ID (UID) is used to identify a key, mainly for human identification. It's +similar to a name tag that accompanies a key ring, indicating who the key ring +belongs to. By looking at the UID, users can get a rough idea of whether a key +pair is what they expected. However, for accurate identification, fingerprints +or key IDs should be compared. A key can have multiple UIDs, but a key pair can +only have one primary UID, which is always listed first in the interface. + +![View Key Pair Details UID]( + +UID has three elements: Name, Email, Comment. The name should be at least five +characters long, and the email should conform to the format. The rules for +comments are relatively loose. + +### Signature of UID + +The lower section of the interface displays the signature of the selected User +ID (UID), not the checked one. This is a key trust system. When someone receives +your public key, they can use their private key to sign your nameplate, +indicating their recognition of your public key. Afterward, they can upload the +keyring with their signature to the keyserver. If many people do the same, the +public key on the keyserver will have numerous signatures, making it +trustworthy. + +You can also use the primary key of another key pair to sign a UID. Generally, a +primary UID of a key pair with many valid signatures is considered more +trustworthy. + +## Subkey Info + +The sub-key mechanism is a crucial feature of GPG that improves both flexibility +and security. However, it also introduces some complexity, which can be +challenging for beginners. For a basic understanding, consider the following +points: + +- A key pair can be likened to a key ring, comprising a primary key (a pair of + public and private keys) and multiple subkeys (or none). +- Each subkey and primary key consists of a pair of public and private keys. +- The subkey can perform related operations (such as signing, encryption) in the + absence or unavailability of the primary key. +- The functions of subkeys can overlap, and when both subkeys can be used for + signing, the earlier one is selected. +- Subkeys can use more algorithms than the primary key, but usually have the + same effect on daily operations. +- The disclosure of a subkey only affects that subkey, while the disclosure of + the primary key endangers the entire key pair. + +The primary key and all subkeys in the key pair are displayed on the interface. +Some information about the key is also listed below. + +### Key In smart card + +Whether a key is in the smart card refers to whether the key is moved to the +smart card. Moving the key to the smart card changes the structure of the key +and is irreversible. + +### Operations + +In this column, what you can do differs for a key pair that only has a public +key and a key pair that includes a private key. + +Here's what you can do with a public key-only key pair: + +![View Key Pair Details Operations]( + +And here's what you can do with a key pair that includes a private key: + +![View Key Pair Details Operations 1]( + +These operations will be explained in detail throughout the documentation. diff --git a/src/content/docs/index.mdx b/src/content/docs/index.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c6d8fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/index.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: GpgFrontend +description: A Free, Easy-to-Use, Cross-Platform OpenPGP Crypto Tool. +template: splash +hero: + tagline: A Free, Easy-to-Use, Cross-Platform OpenPGP Crypto Tool. One of the excellent GUI Frontends for Modern GnuPG. + image: + file: ../../assets/icon.png + actions: + - text: At a Glance + link: /overview/glance/ + icon: right-arrow + variant: primary + - text: Read the Development docs + link: + icon: external +--- + +import { Card, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components'; + +## Brief Introduction + + + + Enjoy seamless cross-platform functionality with our application, available on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Transfer your GPG keys between devices safely and effortlessly, ensuring your data remains secure no matter where you are working from. + + + Experience swift encryption and digital signing capabilities. Encrypt files or text rapidly, and sign your documents digitally with utmost ease, enhancing your workflow efficiency and data security. + + + Benefit from a transparent and community-driven development process. Our application is completely open source, allowing for peer review, modifications, and contributions. Join our community and contribute to the future of secure communication. + + + Enjoy our application absolutely free of charge, with no hidden costs. We believe in making digital security accessible to everyone, and our commitment to this principle means you can secure your communications without spending a penny. + + diff --git a/src/content/docs/overview/ b/src/content/docs/overview/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3adb3a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/overview/ @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +--- +title: Contact Information +sidebar: + label: Contact + order: 5 +--- + +Please avoid discussing business or political matters here. This space is +dedicated to fostering the well-being and advancement of humanity. If you have +any technical questions or suggestions on how to enhance this software, your +insights are very much welcome. + +For correspondence, I strongly prefer plain text emails over HTML formatted +messages. + +## Personal Details + +- **Name:** Eric +- **Email:** []( (Server location: Federal + Republic of Germany) +- **Preferred Email Format:** Plain text, without HTML enhancements. + +### About My Domain + +The domain BKTUS (Bakantu Union US) is not a commercial entity but rather a +personal domain name of mine. + +### Language Proficiency + +I am proficient in the following languages and welcome communication in any of +them: + +1. English +2. Chinese +3. German + +### Secure Communication (GPG Public Key) + +For secure and encrypted communication, below is my long-term PGP public key. +Please ensure any encrypted messages are sent in plain text format and avoid +rich text formats like HTML. + +``` +-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- + +mQGNBGCVnvEBDACuEcjxckb4rocHGU7VPT/OOOOZapNG/0ViB3XhmzNh7q8QJiq6 +M4z0fpC5sf1pHXbbKtehLETrAUTFuaEp19askZI0ISoz5+qKGZuaM3bDZWBjwUpt +woVgUphfeZy2DFsnmTtVj9CRU9Nma6smXVFud3Roj2ImZ0NFrkdETvprfLJ7jqk/ +mXgznNbbJdqmQ4l0I1E91VmrqHHHSakh3grzRDj/GuDookQl2JZfLA0J55qOYdkF +5mmnqbYURGVcP2oot/wSrrWH0F/WatwRx9w+jZjrJWgKjJoqWwvzG8WGop1XkRn1 +Ea3Nzj/KsSL7C5YRu03BL7wNu6UNIJ/zsAnNLp87nCY85w+HnNGHkL3QcnqNQbQP +3aySOkIjXdT8AlGIV5r5wO/RBg4e+xASGzQXx9lYbjJiiIOP2uLxYGGFbalDoiCa +sonlXzMZTJrK7VvZ2UsnSnBJ8l/EPsY/AeZdWbmswQaFsJlfNsZZ6T5Rfyjtu8a3 +fwPJTTsbfIB6N3EAEQEAAbQbU2F0dXJuZXJpYyA8ZXJpY0Bia3R1cy5jb20+iQHO +BBMBCAA4AhsDBQsJCAcCBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4BAheAFiEE4zeUicObcnDnDi4w 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+65XgtG5ajwlmoQcvVx7KIg== +=syqc +-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- +``` + +This setup is designed to maintain privacy and security in our communications. diff --git a/src/content/docs/overview/ b/src/content/docs/overview/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f870a04 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/overview/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +--- +title: Downloads +sidebar: + order: 3 +--- + + +GpgFrontend is available for download through multiple channels. For more +detailed instructions on installation and getting started, please refer to the +[Quick Start Manual]( + +--- + +## Download Options Across Platforms + +### GitHub Releases + +- **Latest Release Download**: Click the badge below to directly navigate to the + GitHub page for the latest release download. + + [![GitHub Release (latest by date)](]( + +### SourceForge + +- **SourceForge Download**: Access the download page on SourceForge through the + download button below. + + [![Download GpgFrontend](]( + +### Homebrew Cask + +- **Homebrew Cask**: Mac users can check the version information through the + badge below or install using the command line. + + [![Homebrew Cask](]( + + Install command: + + ``` + brew install --cask gpgfrontend + ``` + +### Flatpak + +- **Flatpak Installation**: Linux users can click the image below to navigate to + the Flathub page for installation. + + [![Download on Flathub](]( + +### Microsoft Store + +- **Microsoft Store Download**: Windows users can visit the application store + page through the Microsoft Store badge below. + + diff --git a/src/content/docs/overview/ b/src/content/docs/overview/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca9e756 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/overview/ @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +--- +title: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) +sidebar: + label: FAQ + order: 4 +--- + +## Understanding GpgFrontend + +**What is GpgFrontend?** GpgFrontend is a user-friendly, cross-platform tool +designed to facilitate the use of OpenPGP encryption, making it easier for +individuals to protect their privacy and secure their communications. + +**What can I do with GpgFrontend?** Beyond basic encryption and decryption, +GpgFrontend supports digital signatures to verify the integrity and origin of +messages. Users can manage and generate key pairs, encrypt files and emails, and +sign their communications for added security. + +**How can I obtain and start using GpgFrontend?** You can download the latest +version of GpgFrontend from its GitHub repository. Visit [GpgFrontend's +Downloads Page]( to find the most +recent release. Installation is straightforward: just follow the ReadME +instructions to set it up. + +## OpenPGP and GnuPG Explained + +**How do OpenPGP and GnuPG relate?** OpenPGP serves as a standardized protocol +for encrypting and decrypting data, which GpgFrontend supports. GnuPG, or GPG, +implements the OpenPGP standard, providing the necessary cryptographic +functions. GpgFrontend leverages GnuPG for operations like encryption, +decryption, and key management. + +**Which operating systems does GpgFrontend support?** GpgFrontend is a +cross-platform application that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it +accessible to nearly all users for their privacy and data protection needs. + +## Troubleshooting GnuPG Installation Issues + +**Encountering 'GnuPG not installed correctly'?** This issue typically arises +when GpgFrontend cannot locate GnuPG on your system. Here are steps to address +this based on your operating system: + +### For macOS Users + +- **Install GnuPG for OSX** from + [here](, or install + GpgFrontend using Homebrew with `brew install --cask gpgfrontend`. +- If GnuPG is installed in a custom location, please tell GpgFrontend where the + gpgconf binary it is at GnuPG Controller. + +### For Linux Users + +- Install GnuPG via your package manager (apt, yum, etc.). +- If GnuPG is installed in a custom location, please tell GpgFrontend where the + gpgconf binary it is at GnuPG Controller. + +### For Windows Users + +- The latest GpgFrontend versions include GnuPG. It's recommended to download + the most recent GpgFrontend version. +- Alternatively, download GnuPG from + [here]( + and reinstall if necessary. + +### Additional Assistance + +- For more detailed guidance, refer to the quick start manual available at + [Quick Start Guide]( + +## Reporting Bugs and Contributing + +**Found a bug?** If you encounter any issues with GpgFrontend, please report +them via the GitHub repository. You can also contact me directly if you're not +on GitHub; see the [Contact]( section for details. + +**Interested in contributing?** Feel free to modify GpgFrontend's code and +submit a Pull Request with your enhancements. You can also send patches via +email if you prefer to contribute anonymously. + +## Why the Need for GnuPG? + +**Importance of Installing GnuPG** GpgFrontend itself does not handle direct +encryption or decryption; it requires GnuPG for these operations. This design +choice ensures higher security, allowing users to rely on their own verified +version of GnuPG. + +## Understanding BETA Versions + +**What does "BETA" signify in a release?** A "BETA" label indicates that the +version may not have undergone comprehensive testing, particularly for new +modules. While beta versions are carefully evaluated post-release, and stable +versions are published when ready, the aim is to avoid beta releases from +version 2.0.0 onwards, barring exceptional circumstances. + +## Security and Privacy + +**How does GpgFrontend ensure my communications are secure?** GpgFrontend uses +GnuPG to implement the OpenPGP standard, securing your data with robust +encryption algorithms to prevent unauthorized access. It supports public and +private key encryption methods, ensuring only intended recipients can decrypt +and read your messages. diff --git a/src/content/docs/overview/ b/src/content/docs/overview/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c40daf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/overview/ @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +--- +title: Getting Started with GpgFrontend +sidebar: + label: Getting Started + order: 2 +--- + +Welcome to GpgFrontend, the cross-platform, OpenPGP encryption tool designed for +simplicity and security. This guide will walk you through the installation +process tailored to your operating system, ensuring you can start securing your +communications as quickly and efficiently as possible. + +## Before You Begin: Prerequisites + +**Note for Windows or macOS users who utilize Homebrew: You may skip this +prerequisites section.** + +GpgFrontend leverages the robust functionalities of GnuPG for encryption, +decryption, and key management. It is crucial to have GnuPG installed on your +device to make full use of GpgFrontend. Starting from version 2.0, GnuPG +operates on modular components for enhanced functionality, requiring proper +integration with your system. + +Be aware, due to GnuPG's inability to function within an App Sandbox, +GpgFrontend is not available through the Apple Store. + +For Linux users, most contemporary distributions come with GnuPG 2.0 +pre-installed. Check your GnuPG version with `gpg --version` in your terminal. +It is advisable to upgrade to GnuPG version 2.2 or later for optimal performance +and compatibility. + +## Installation & Execution Guide + +### For Windows Users + +#### Portable Version (No Installation Required) + +1. **Download** the portable version from [GpgFrontend's latest + releases](, labeled + `GpgFrontend-*******`. +2. **Extract** the contents of the downloaded ZIP file. +3. **Run** `GpgFrontend.exe` from the extracted `Program/bin` directory. + +#### Installer Version + +1. **Download** the installer from [GpgFrontend's latest + releases](, named + `GpgFrontend-*******-windows-x86_64-setup.exe`. +2. **Install** GpgFrontend by following the on-screen instructions. After + installation, you can access GpgFrontend directly from your desktop. + +### For macOS Users + +GpgFrontend's macOS packages are Apple-verified, allowing straightforward +opening without additional permissions. + +#### Using Homebrew Cask + +For an effortless install or removal process, use Homebrew Cask: + +1. Ensure **Homebrew** is installed. +2. **Install** GpgFrontend with the command `brew install --cask gpgfrontend`. +3. **Launch** GpgFrontend from your Launchpad. + +#### Manual Installation from DMG + +1. **Install GnuPG** via Homebrew or download it from [GPG for OS + X]( +2. **Download** the `GpgFrontend-*******-macos-**.dmg` file from [GpgFrontend's + releases]( Select + `x86_64` for compatibility with Intel and Apple Silicon chips. +3. **Mount** the DMG file and **run** GpgFrontend. +4. **Optional:** Drag GpgFrontend into your Applications folder for easy access. + +### For Linux Users (AppImage) + +AppImage simplifies software distribution by bundling applications and all +necessary libraries into a single, executable file, eliminating dependency +conflicts. + +1. **Install GnuPG** if it's not already installed. + - Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt update && sudo apt install gpg` + - CentOS: `sudo yum install gnupg` +2. **Download** the AppImage from [GpgFrontend's + releases](, labeled + `GpgFrontend-*******-linux-x86_64.AppImage`. +3. **Make it executable:** `chmod u+x ./GpgFrontend-***-linux-x86_64.AppImage`. +4. **Launch** the AppImage with a double-click or through the terminal. + +### BSD Users (FreeBSD/OpenBSD) + +Currently, there are no binary releases for BSD systems. However, GpgFrontend +can be compiled and run on BSD. Refer to the GitHub repository for build +instructions. + +## Downloading from GitHub Releases + +GpgFrontend is primarily distributed through GitHub Releases, ensuring +accessibility and eliminating the need for personal server management. + +Upon navigating to [GpgFrontend's download +page](, you'll find +detailed information about the latest version, including new features and fixes. +Each release is signed for security verification purposes, allowing users with +heightened security needs to confirm the authenticity of the downloaded files. + +Scroll down to the **Assets** section to select the appropriate version for your +operating system. The filenames include a unique identification number, crucial +for reporting any version-specific issues. + +Files ending in 'signature' are GPG separate signatures, which can be verified +with GPG to ensure they are officially released and approved by me. + +Select the version that suits your system or follows the provided instructions +to begin the download. + +By following these steps, you'll be ready to use GpgFrontend, enhancing your +digital security with powerful encryption tools at your fingertips. + +## Basic Operations with GpgFrontend + +After successfully installing GpgFrontend, you're ready to dive into the world +of encryption and secure communication. This guide will walk you through some +fundamental operations to get you started. + +### Generating Your First Key Pair + +1. Open GpgFrontend: Launch the application. +2. Access Key Management: Navigate to the "Key Management" section. +3. Generate Key Pair: Look for an option to "Generate" a new key pair. +4. Fill in your details, such as name and email, and choose your desired key + type and size. You can also add a comment if you wish. +5. Set an expiration date for the key, or choose 'Never Expire' if you prefer. +6. Create a passphrase for your key to ensure its security. Remember to use a + strong passphrase that you won't forget. +7. Once all details are filled in, click 'OK' to generate your key pair. + +### Encrypting + +1. **Write a Message:** Start by writing a message in the main text area of + GpgFrontend. +2. **Choose Recipient:** Select the public key of the message's recipient. If + you're practicing, you can select your own public key. +3. **Encrypt:** With the recipient's public key selected, click on the "Encrypt" + option. The text will be encrypted, making it readable only by the selected + recipient. + +### Decrypting + +1. **Receive an Encrypted Message:** Copy the encrypted message into + GpgFrontend's main text area. +2. **Decrypt:** Click on the "Decrypt" option. If the message was encrypted with + your public key, you would need to enter the password for your private key to + decrypt it. + +### Signing + +1. **Create a Message:** Type your message in the text area. +2. **Sign:** Choose the "Sign" option and select your private key. Enter your + key's password to sign the message. This adds a digital signature that + verifies you as the message's sender. + +### Verifying + +1. **Receive a Signed Message:** Paste the signed message into GpgFrontend. +2. **Verify:** Click on "Verify" to check the signature. If the signature + matches the sender's public key, GpgFrontend will confirm the message's + integrity and authenticity. + +### Key Management and Sharing + +#### Exporting and Sharing Your Public Key + +1. Go to 'Manage Keys'. +2. Select your key pair and choose 'Export Key'. +3. Save your public key to a file or copy it to the clipboard to share it with + others. + +#### Importing a Public Key + +To communicate securely with someone else, you need their public key. Click +'Import key'. You can import a key file or copy and paste the public key +directly. After importing, the public key will appear in your keyring, ready for +use. + +### Exchanging Public Keys with Friends + +1. **Export Your Public Key:** From the "Key Management" section, find the + option to export your public key. Save it as a file or copy it to your + clipboard. +2. **Share Your Public Key:** Send your public key to your friend via email, + messaging app, or any secure channel you prefer. +3. **Import Your Friend's Public Key:** When your friend sends you their public + key, import it into GpgFrontend using the "Import" option in the "Key + Management" section. + +By exchanging public keys, you establish a secure channel for encrypted +communication. Only the holder of the corresponding private key can decrypt +messages encrypted with a public key, ensuring privacy and security in your +communications. + +## Conclusion + +GpgFrontend is a powerful tool for enhancing your digital security. By +generating key pairs, encrypting and decrypting messages, signing documents, and +exchanging public keys, you can safeguard your communications in a world where +privacy is increasingly precious. As you become more familiar with these +operations, explore further features and settings within GpgFrontend to tailor +your security practices to your needs. Remember, the cornerstone of digital +security is practicing safe key management and password hygiene. Welcome to the +secure side! diff --git a/src/content/docs/overview/ b/src/content/docs/overview/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9aefa66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/overview/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: "GpgFrontend: Your OpenPGP Companion" +sidebar: + label: At a Glance + order: 1 +--- + +**GpgFrontend** stands as a premier, cross-platform, user-friendly, and compact +tool for all your [OpenPGP]( encryption needs. Designed +for both beginners and experts in data security, GpgFrontend simplifies +encryption, decryption, and digital signing, offering a seamless interface for +managing OpenPGP tasks. Embrace the latest features of GnuPG 2.x, enhancing your +security in the digital age. + +**Document Version Reference: [v2.1.2](** + +## User Interface Glimpse + +_Note: GpgFrontend's appearance may vary across different operating systems and +themes. Always refer to the corresponding version of the software for the most +accurate documentation._ + +![GpgFrontend Interface]( + +## Project Origins and Mission + +GpgFrontend inherits its core from the stable and user-friendly +[gpg4usb]( project, aiming to introduce OpenPGP's new +features while maintaining simplicity and accessibility. My goal is to +ensure data security, making GnuPG's powerful tools available to all, +regardless of technical expertise. + +### A Commitment to Freedom and Security + +As a solo-maintained open-source project, GpgFrontend is a testament to the +power of community and the pursuit of privacy. It remains forever free, inviting +contributions, suggestions, and feedback from users worldwide. + +## Explore the Source + +Dive into the development journey on GitHub, where every line of code, each +update, and user feedback converge to refine and enhance GpgFrontend. + +- [GitHub Repository]( + +### License and Contributions + +Licensed under GPL-3.0, GpgFrontend champions open-source values. Contributions +are not just welcomed but essential—whether through issue reports, pull +requests, or code patches via email. + +## Ensuring Your Privacy + +With a serverless design, GpgFrontend guarantees your data stays yours alone. +For those requiring extra security layers, future versions will offer offline +functionality, further solidifying its stance as a privacy-first tool. + +GpgFrontend is more than software; it's a commitment to secure, accessible, and +open communication for everyone. Join us in this journey, where your security +and privacy are paramount. diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/ b/src/content/docs/reference/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97d7bde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/reference/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Dependencies and Acknowledgements +sidebar: + label: Dependencies +--- + +GpgFrontend incorporates various libraries and binaries that come with their +unique licenses. For additional details or to obtain the source code, please +visit their respective homepages: + +- **GnuPG**: []( +- **GPGME**: []( +- **Qt (Open Source)**: []( +- **MSYS2**: []( +- **Mingw-w64**: []( +- **AppImage**: []( +- **macOS Application Bundles**: [Link]( +- **libarchive**: []( +- **spdlog**: []( +- **mimalloc**: []( +- **Qt-AES**: []( + +The icons utilized in this software are sourced from [Alibaba +Iconfont]( This vector icon library is free of use, +isn't registered as a trademark, has no copyright issues, and can be +commercially utilized. diff --git a/src/env.d.ts b/src/env.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acef35f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/env.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/// +/// diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcbf8b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "extends": "astro/tsconfigs/strict" +}