\hypertarget{structGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow_1_1CryptoMenu}{}\doxysection{Gpg\+Frontend\+::UI\+::Main\+Window\+::Crypto\+Menu Struct Reference}

Collaboration diagram for Gpg\+Frontend\+::UI\+::Main\+Window\+::Crypto\+Menu\+:
\doxysubsection*{Public Types}
using {\bfseries Operation\+Type} = unsigned int
\doxysubsection*{Static Public Attributes}
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries None} = 0
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries Encrypt} = 1 $<$$<$ 0
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries Sign} = 1 $<$$<$ 1
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries Decrypt} = 1 $<$$<$ 2
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries Verify} = 1 $<$$<$ 3
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries Encrypt\+And\+Sign} = 1 $<$$<$ 4
static constexpr Operation\+Type {\bfseries Decrypt\+And\+Verify} = 1 $<$$<$ 5

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file\+:\begin{DoxyCompactItemize}