Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ src | |
▼ core | |
► function | |
► basic | |
ChannelObject.h | |
GpgFunctionObject.h | |
SingletonStorage.h | |
SingletonStorageCollection.h | |
► gpg | |
GpgAdvancedOperator.h | |
GpgBasicOperator.h | |
GpgCommandExecutor.h | |
GpgContext.h | |
GpgFileOpera.h | |
GpgKeyGetter.h | |
GpgKeyImportExporter.h | |
GpgKeyManager.h | |
GpgKeyOpera.h | |
GpgUIDOperator.h | |
► result_analyse | |
GpgDecryptResultAnalyse.h | |
GpgEncryptResultAnalyse.h | |
GpgResultAnalyse.h | |
GpgSignResultAnalyse.h | |
GpgVerifyResultAnalyse.h | |
ArchiveFileOperator.h | |
CacheManager.h | |
CoreSignalStation.h | |
DataObjectOperator.h | |
GlobalSettingStation.h | |
KeyPackageOperator.h | |
LoggerManager.h | |
PassphraseGenerator.h | |
SecureMemoryAllocator.h | |
► log | |
QtLoggerFmt.h | |
► model | |
CommonStruct.h | |
DataObject.h | |
GFBuffer.h | |
GFDataExchanger.h | |
GpgData.h | |
GpgDecryptResult.h | |
GpgEncryptResult.h | |
GpgGenerateKeyResult.h | |
GpgGenKeyInfo.h | |
GpgImportInformation.h | |
GpgKey.h | |
GpgKeySignature.h | |
GpgPassphraseContext.h | |
GpgRecipient.h | |
GpgSignature.h | |
GpgSignResult.h | |
GpgSubKey.h | |
GpgTOFUInfo.h | |
GpgUID.h | |
GpgVerifyResult.h | |
► module | |
Event.h | |
GlobalModuleContext.h | |
GlobalRegisterTable.h | |
GpgFrontendModuleSystem.h | |
Module.h | |
ModuleManager.h | |
► thread | |
FileReadTask.h | |
Task.h | |
TaskRunner.h | |
TaskRunnerGetter.h | |
ThreadingModel.h | |
► typedef | |
CoreTypedef.h | |
GpgTypedef.h | |
► utils | |
► aes | |
aes_ssl.h | |
AsyncUtils.h | |
CacheUtils.h | |
CommonUtils.h | |
FilesystemUtils.h | |
GpgUtils.h | |
IOUtils.h | |
LocalizedUtils.h | |
LogUtils.h | |
MemoryUtils.h | |
GpgConstants.h | |
GpgCoreInit.h | |
GpgFrontendCore.h | |
GpgModel.h | |
▼ module | |
► integrated | |
► gnupg_info_gathering_module | |
GnuPGInfoGatheringModule.h | |
GpgFrontendModuleExport.h | |
GpgInfo.h | |
► version_checking_module | |
GpgFrontendModuleExport.h | |
SoftwareVersion.h | |
VersionCheckingModule.h | |
VersionCheckTask.h | |
► sdk | |
Basic.h | |
Gpg.h | |
GpgFrontendModuleSDK.h | |
GpgFrontendModuleSDKExport.h | |
Log.h | |
UI.h | |
GpgFrontendModule.h | |
GpgFrontendModuleExport.h | |
GpgFrontendModuleInit.h | |
▼ pinentry | |
► capslock | |
capslock.h | |
accessibility.h | |
pinentry.h | |
pinentry_debug.h | |
pinentryconfirm.h | |
pinentrydialog.h | |
pinlineedit.h | |
secmem++.h | |
▼ test | |
► core | |
GpgCoreTest.h | |
GpgFrontendCoreExport.h | |
GpgFrontendTest.h | |
GpgFrontendTestExport.h | |
▼ ui | |
► dialog | |
► details | |
SignatureDetailsDialog.h | |
VerifyDetailsDialog.h | |
► gnupg | |
GnuPGControllerDialog.h | |
► help | |
AboutDialog.h | |
GnupgTab.h | |
► import_export | |
ExportKeyPackageDialog.h | |
KeyImportDetailDialog.h | |
KeyServerImportDialog.h | |
KeyUploadDialog.h | |
► key_generate | |
KeygenDialog.h | |
SubkeyGenerateDialog.h | |
► keypair_details | |
KeyDetailsDialog.h | |
KeyNewUIDDialog.h | |
KeyPairDetailTab.h | |
KeyPairOperaTab.h | |
KeyPairSubkeyTab.h | |
KeyPairUIDTab.h | |
KeySetExpireDateDialog.h | |
KeyUIDSignDialog.h | |
► settings | |
SettingsAppearance.h | |
SettingsDialog.h | |
SettingsGeneral.h | |
SettingsKeyServer.h | |
SettingsNetwork.h | |
GeneralDialog.h | |
QuitDialog.h | |
SignersPicker.h | |
WaitingDialog.h | |
Wizard.h | |
► function | |
GenerateRevokeCertification.h | |
RaisePinentry.h | |
SetOwnerTrustLevel.h | |
► main_window | |
GeneralMainWindow.h | |
KeyMgmt.h | |
MainWindow.h | |
► struct | |
► settings | |
AppearanceSO.h | |
KeyServerSO.h | |
WindowStateSO.h | |
CacheObject.h | |
SettingsObject.h | |
► thread | |
KeyServerImportTask.h | |
KeyServerSearchTask.h | |
ListedKeyServerTestTask.h | |
ProxyConnectionTestTask.h | |
► widgets | |
FilePage.h | |
FileTreeView.h | |
FindWidget.h | |
HelpPage.h | |
InfoBoardWidget.h | |
KeyList.h | |
PlainTextEditorPage.h | |
TextEdit.h | |
TOFUInfoPage.h | |
VerifyKeyDetailBox.h | |
GpgFrontendApplication.h | |
GpgFrontendUI.h | |
GpgFrontendUIInit.h | |
UISignalStation.h | |
UserInterfaceUtils.h | |
app.h | |
cmd.h | |
GpgFrontendContext.h | |
init.h | |
main.h | |