2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
\hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog} { } \doxysection { Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::UI\+ ::Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog Class Reference}
\label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog} \index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
Inheritance diagram for Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::UI\+ ::Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ :
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
\includegraphics [height=550pt] { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ _ inherit_ _ graph}
\end { center}
\end { figure}
Collaboration diagram for Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::UI\+ ::Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ :
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
\includegraphics [width=350pt] { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ _ coll_ _ graph}
\end { center}
\end { figure}
\doxysubsection * { Public Slots}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ af97fbd4ee0b57a20cc9a97c7e877d520} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ af97fbd4ee0b57a20cc9a97c7e877d520} }
void { \bfseries Slot\+ Accept} ()
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Signals}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
void \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a35a707865fbcc95b6261e382a6ff171c} { Signal\+ Restart\+ Needed} } (int)
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Public Member Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ add69685b9c83ed03ed24d36f2badd835} { Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog} } (QWidget $ \ast $ parent=nullptr)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Construct a new General Tab object. \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Private Slots}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
void \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a2bb963a14733cf9b99736b6624c09d83} { slot\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ restart\+ \_ \+ needed} } (int)
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a626c30712552f1c7fdf69d1d13d7b303} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a626c30712552f1c7fdf69d1d13d7b303} }
void { \bfseries slot\+ \_ \+ update\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ key\+ \_ \+ database\+ \_ \+ path\+ \_ \+ label} (int state)
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a917cf89e7920c1c5d7d8070b53bd49fc} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a917cf89e7920c1c5d7d8070b53bd49fc} }
void { \bfseries slot\+ \_ \+ update\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ gnupg\+ \_ \+ install\+ \_ \+ path\+ \_ \+ label} (int state)
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Private Member Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
auto \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a67c4bc7a4e0d76c610267b86612ba5b6} { get\+ \_ \+ restart\+ \_ \+ needed} } () const -\/ $ > $ int
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Get the Restart Needed object. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a6eeca78f12b49f095610d762d4cf7d7e} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a6eeca78f12b49f095610d762d4cf7d7e} }
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
void \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a6eeca78f12b49f095610d762d4cf7d7e} { set\+ \_ \+ settings} } ()
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Set the settings object. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a04611d5160fcc6ef36f6fce8dd94c645} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a04611d5160fcc6ef36f6fce8dd94c645} }
void { \bfseries apply\+ \_ \+ settings} ()
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
auto \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a296dd2fd013f34e7fb389a36bbcaa78e} { check\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ gnupg\+ \_ \+ path} } (QString) -\/ $ > $ bool
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
auto \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ af677680609f32ed65f78a0641bf05389} { check\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ gnupg\+ \_ \+ key\+ \_ \+ database\+ \_ \+ path} } (QString) -\/ $ > $ bool
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Private Attributes}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ afda750c1511434cb0d3162d9bd1ab78f} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ afda750c1511434cb0d3162d9bd1ab78f} }
std\+ ::shared\+ \_ \+ ptr$ < $ Ui\+ \_ \+ \+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog $ > $ { \bfseries ui\+ \_ \+ }
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ acd2918a181aa9c8c59e5d789ce34a92a} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ acd2918a181aa9c8c59e5d789ce34a92a} }
int { \bfseries restart\+ \_ \+ needed\+ \_ \+ } \{ 0\}
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Additional Inherited Members}
\doxysubsection { Constructor \& Destructor Documentation}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ add69685b9c83ed03ed24d36f2badd835} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ add69685b9c83ed03ed24d36f2badd835} }
\index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} !GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\index { GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GnuPGControllerDialog} !GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { GnuPGControllerDialog()} { GnuPGControllerDialog()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{QWidget $\ast$}] { parent = { \ttfamily nullptr} } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [explicit]} }
Construct a new General Tab object.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em parent} & \\
\end { DoxyParams}
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
References check\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ gnupg\+ \_ \+ key\+ \_ \+ database\+ \_ \+ path(), Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ UISignal\+ Station\+ ::\+ Get\+ Instance(), Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ Singleton\+ Function\+ Object$ < $ Global\+ Setting\+ Station $ > $ \+ ::\+ Get\+ Instance(), Signal\+ Restart\+ Needed(), and slot\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ restart\+ \_ \+ needed().
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
\doxysubsection { Member Function Documentation}
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ af677680609f32ed65f78a0641bf05389} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ af677680609f32ed65f78a0641bf05389} }
\index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} !check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ key\_ database\_ path@{ check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ key\_ database\_ path} }
\index { check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ key\_ database\_ path@{ check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ key\_ database\_ path} !GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ key\_ database\_ path()} { check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ key\_ database\_ path()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily auto Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ ::check\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ gnupg\+ \_ \+ key\+ \_ \+ database\+ \_ \+ path (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{QString}] { path } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) -\/ $ > $ bool\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [private]} }
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
\end { DoxyReturn}
Referenced by Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a296dd2fd013f34e7fb389a36bbcaa78e} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a296dd2fd013f34e7fb389a36bbcaa78e} }
\index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} !check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ path@{ check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ path} }
\index { check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ path@{ check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ path} !GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ path()} { check\_ custom\_ gnupg\_ path()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily auto Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ ::check\+ \_ \+ custom\+ \_ \+ gnupg\+ \_ \+ path (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{QString}] { path } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) -\/ $ > $ bool\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [private]} }
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
\end { DoxyReturn}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a67c4bc7a4e0d76c610267b86612ba5b6} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a67c4bc7a4e0d76c610267b86612ba5b6} }
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
\index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} !get\_ restart\_ needed@{ get\_ restart\_ needed} }
\index { get\_ restart\_ needed@{ get\_ restart\_ needed} !GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\_ restart\_ needed()} { get\_ restart\_ needed()} }
2024-01-23 07:22:33 +00:00
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily int Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ ::get\+ \_ \+ restart\+ \_ \+ needed (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const -\/ $ > $ int\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [private]} }
2023-08-01 15:09:22 +00:00
Get the Restart Needed object.
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
\end { DoxyReturn}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a35a707865fbcc95b6261e382a6ff171c} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a35a707865fbcc95b6261e382a6ff171c} }
\index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} !SignalRestartNeeded@{ SignalRestartNeeded} }
\index { SignalRestartNeeded@{ SignalRestartNeeded} !GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { SignalRestartNeeded} { SignalRestartNeeded} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily void Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ ::\+ Signal\+ Restart\+ Needed (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{int}] { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [signal]} }
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em needed} & \\
\end { DoxyParams}
Referenced by Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a2bb963a14733cf9b99736b6624c09d83} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1UI_ 1_ 1GnuPGControllerDialog_ a2bb963a14733cf9b99736b6624c09d83} }
\index { GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} !slot\_ set\_ restart\_ needed@{ slot\_ set\_ restart\_ needed} }
\index { slot\_ set\_ restart\_ needed@{ slot\_ set\_ restart\_ needed} !GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog@{ GpgFrontend::UI::GnuPGControllerDialog} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { slot\_ set\_ restart\_ needed} { slot\_ set\_ restart\_ needed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily void Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ UI\+ ::\+ Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog\+ ::slot\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ restart\+ \_ \+ needed (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{int}] { mode } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [private]} , { \ttfamily [slot]} }
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em needed} & \\
\end { DoxyParams}
Referenced by Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog().
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files\+ :\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
src/ui/dialog/gnupg/Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog.\+ h\item
src/ui/dialog/gnupg/Gnu\+ PGController\+ Dialog.\+ cpp\end { DoxyCompactItemize}