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< a href = "#namespaces" > Namespaces< / a > |
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< div class = "headertitle" >
< div class = "title" > GpgFrontend Namespace Reference< / div > < / div >
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< / div > <!-- header -->
< div class = "contents" >
< table class = "memberdecls" >
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< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "namespaces" > < / a >
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Namespaces< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:namespaceGpgFrontend_1_1RawAPI" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend_1_1RawAPI.html" > RawAPI< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:namespaceGpgFrontend_1_1Thread" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend_1_1Thread.html" > Thread< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:namespaceGpgFrontend_1_1UI" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend_1_1UI.html" > UI< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table > < table class = "memberdecls" >
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< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "nested-classes" > < / a >
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Classes< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1CoreCommonUtil.html" > CoreCommonUtil< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structGpgFrontend_1_1ArchiveStruct.html" > ArchiveStruct< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1ArchiveFileOperator.html" > ArchiveFileOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 15:32:58 +00:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-12 16:39:12 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1CharsetOperator.html" > CharsetOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1DataObjectOperator.html" > DataObjectOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1FileOperator.html" > FileOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > provides file operations < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1FileOperator.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GlobalSettingStation.html" > GlobalSettingStation< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html" > GpgBasicOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Basic operation collection. < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgCommandExecutor.html" > GpgCommandExecutor< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Extra commands related to GPG. < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgCommandExecutor.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html" > GpgFileOpera< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyGetter.html" > GpgKeyGetter< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgImportedKey.html" > GpgImportedKey< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgImportInformation.html" > GpgImportInformation< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyImportExporter.html" > GpgKeyImportExporter< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html" > GpgKeyManager< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html" > GpgKeyOpera< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUIDOperator.html" > GpgUIDOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1KeyPackageOperator.html" > KeyPackageOperator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > give the possibility to import or export a key package < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1KeyPackageOperator.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1PassphraseGenerator.html" > PassphraseGenerator< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > The < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1PassphraseGenerator.html" title = "The PassphraseGenerator class." > PassphraseGenerator< / a > class. < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1PassphraseGenerator.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgDecryptResultAnalyse.html" > GpgDecryptResultAnalyse< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgEncryptResultAnalyse.html" > GpgEncryptResultAnalyse< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgResultAnalyse.html" > GpgResultAnalyse< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgSignResultAnalyse.html" > GpgSignResultAnalyse< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgVerifyResultAnalyse.html" > GpgVerifyResultAnalyse< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structGpgFrontend_1_1__result__ref__deletor.html" > _result_ref_deletor< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Result Deleter. < a href = "structGpgFrontend_1_1__result__ref__deletor.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgConstants.html" > GpgConstants< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structGpgFrontend_1_1GpgContextInitArgs.html" > GpgContextInitArgs< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgContext.html" > GpgContext< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1ChannelObject.html" > ChannelObject< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > object which in channel system < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1ChannelObject.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1SingletonStorage.html" > SingletonStorage< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1SingletonStorageCollection.html" > SingletonStorageCollection< / a > < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
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< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1SingletonFunctionObject.html" > SingletonFunctionObject< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GenKeyInfo.html" > GenKeyInfo< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgInfo.html" > GpgInfo< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Use to record some info about gnupg. < a href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgInfo.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgData.html" > GpgData< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKey.html" > GpgKey< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeySignature.html" > GpgKeySignature< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 15:32:58 +00:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgSignature.html" > GpgSignature< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgSubKey.html" > GpgSubKey< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgTOFUInfo.html" > GpgTOFUInfo< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > class   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUID.html" > GpgUID< / a > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 15:32:58 +00:00
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< / table > < table class = "memberdecls" >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "typedef-members" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
Typedefs< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a6df12217c02df87356b3276fa08df3b8" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a6df12217c02df87356b3276fa08df3b8" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
typedef std::list< < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgImportedKey.html" > GpgImportedKey< / a > >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgImportedKeyList< / b > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a6df12217c02df87356b3276fa08df3b8" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a734ec65953e9b8fe39b7d76b42c7d9e5" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a734ec65953e9b8fe39b7d76b42c7d9e5" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > ByteArray< / b > = std::string< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a734ec65953e9b8fe39b7d76b42c7d9e5" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a74d7d03c9b8231bc13f199fb06204fca" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a74d7d03c9b8231bc13f199fb06204fca" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > ByteArrayPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< ByteArray > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a74d7d03c9b8231bc13f199fb06204fca" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ad8f79b76997875f0588a77340a34d2a1" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ad8f79b76997875f0588a77340a34d2a1" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > StdBypeArrayPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< ByteArray > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ad8f79b76997875f0588a77340a34d2a1" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ab0a0bf1c3231a455c85f5604f4ff219a" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ab0a0bf1c3231a455c85f5604f4ff219a" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > BypeArrayRef< / b > = ByteArray & < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ab0a0bf1c3231a455c85f5604f4ff219a" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ada6a044ece8975e35b2a229f65249713" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ada6a044ece8975e35b2a229f65249713" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > BypeArrayConstRef< / b > = const ByteArray & < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ada6a044ece8975e35b2a229f65249713" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:aa8f86425050122fc627c1a793c2d1f80" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "aa8f86425050122fc627c1a793c2d1f80" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > StringArgsPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< std::vector< std::string > > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aa8f86425050122fc627c1a793c2d1f80" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a88afb4fc90777c981345a4a702df8672" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a88afb4fc90777c981345a4a702df8672" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > StringArgsRef< / b > = std::vector< std::string > & < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a88afb4fc90777c981345a4a702df8672" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a2470eb154743191c3454203f23d3a2f8" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a2470eb154743191c3454203f23d3a2f8" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgError< / b > = gpgme_error_t< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a2470eb154743191c3454203f23d3a2f8" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ae060b7e70b7898c1239f372b55bac640" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ae060b7e70b7898c1239f372b55bac640" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgEncrResult< / b > = std::shared_ptr< struct _gpgme_op_encrypt_result > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ae060b7e70b7898c1239f372b55bac640" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a78f78409fbd7963376da60f7e5c0dba9" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a78f78409fbd7963376da60f7e5c0dba9" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgDecrResult< / b > = std::shared_ptr< struct _gpgme_op_decrypt_result > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a78f78409fbd7963376da60f7e5c0dba9" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a719a7945f8e6af4aa6446883a8847f48" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a719a7945f8e6af4aa6446883a8847f48" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgSignResult< / b > = std::shared_ptr< struct _gpgme_op_sign_result > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a719a7945f8e6af4aa6446883a8847f48" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a3c488625b949d2ac26315996b4b881e9" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a3c488625b949d2ac26315996b4b881e9" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgVerifyResult< / b > = std::shared_ptr< struct _gpgme_op_verify_result > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a3c488625b949d2ac26315996b4b881e9" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a02576f9b3647baec8e7f6dacf9411b46" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a02576f9b3647baec8e7f6dacf9411b46" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgGenKeyResult< / b > = std::shared_ptr< struct _gpgme_op_genkey_result > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a02576f9b3647baec8e7f6dacf9411b46" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a788cd2c216e4867a676920da22d4f49d" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a788cd2c216e4867a676920da22d4f49d" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyId< / b > = std::string< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a788cd2c216e4867a676920da22d4f49d" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a8d00b92300e229303fcf42e99fb77278" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a8d00b92300e229303fcf42e99fb77278" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > SubkeyId< / b > = std::string< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a8d00b92300e229303fcf42e99fb77278" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ab9e8650a71965e35cb6a763dbf61a048" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ab9e8650a71965e35cb6a763dbf61a048" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyIdArgsList< / b > = std::vector< KeyId > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ab9e8650a71965e35cb6a763dbf61a048" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a93c0ac9e329baa602e0bfdee7ea1273f" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a93c0ac9e329baa602e0bfdee7ea1273f" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyIdArgsListPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< KeyIdArgsList > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a93c0ac9e329baa602e0bfdee7ea1273f" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a953722e5ef4bbc71b42a4f821f00b737" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a953722e5ef4bbc71b42a4f821f00b737" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > UIDArgsList< / b > = std::vector< std::string > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a953722e5ef4bbc71b42a4f821f00b737" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a54baa8d3ea3843c907a7644a85cb9699" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a54baa8d3ea3843c907a7644a85cb9699" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > UIDArgsListPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< UIDArgsList > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a54baa8d3ea3843c907a7644a85cb9699" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a8454f6586944c55018f7745c22d281d2" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a8454f6586944c55018f7745c22d281d2" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > SignIdArgsList< / b > = std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a8454f6586944c55018f7745c22d281d2" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a3d735ed2f15dbf638cfa508daba16e5b" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a3d735ed2f15dbf638cfa508daba16e5b" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > SignIdArgsListPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< SignIdArgsList > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a3d735ed2f15dbf638cfa508daba16e5b" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a77d0c0a6b959437c89b069df9a97c194" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a77d0c0a6b959437c89b069df9a97c194" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyFprArgsListPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< std::vector< std::string > > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a77d0c0a6b959437c89b069df9a97c194" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ab19bf8acd65218045313b120cf72333e" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ab19bf8acd65218045313b120cf72333e" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyArgsList< / b > = std::vector< < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKey.html" > GpgKey< / a > > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ab19bf8acd65218045313b120cf72333e" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a1872f20a465ea6a482065996abab2c95" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a1872f20a465ea6a482065996abab2c95" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyListPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< KeyArgsList > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a1872f20a465ea6a482065996abab2c95" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a99b4f5a3b9f7a379a79c37ba8fff93af" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a99b4f5a3b9f7a379a79c37ba8fff93af" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GpgKeyLinkList< / b > = std::list< < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKey.html" > GpgFrontend::GpgKey< / a > > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a99b4f5a3b9f7a379a79c37ba8fff93af" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:ac35a1eb416146226f5c6446ab61dbc82" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "ac35a1eb416146226f5c6446ab61dbc82" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyLinkListPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< GpgKeyLinkList > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ac35a1eb416146226f5c6446ab61dbc82" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:abdc336cc966afe6c1523cb7751cac9f8" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "abdc336cc966afe6c1523cb7751cac9f8" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyPtr< / b > = std::unique_ptr< < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKey.html" > GpgKey< / a > > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:abdc336cc966afe6c1523cb7751cac9f8" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a8fe8112cc97385961a3f6a18129ea789" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a8fe8112cc97385961a3f6a18129ea789" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
using  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > KeyPtrArgsList< / b > = const std::initializer_list< KeyPtr > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a8fe8112cc97385961a3f6a18129ea789" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table > < table class = "memberdecls" >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "func-members" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
Functions< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a2a6566f59b4be29e453a1edd93f6a337" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgEncrResult  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a2a6566f59b4be29e453a1edd93f6a337" > _new_result< / a > (gpgme_encrypt_result_t & & result)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a2a6566f59b4be29e453a1edd93f6a337" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aaf7ddbd50cd4f16b7d2a997c03b20933" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgDecrResult  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#aaf7ddbd50cd4f16b7d2a997c03b20933" > _new_result< / a > (gpgme_decrypt_result_t & & result)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aaf7ddbd50cd4f16b7d2a997c03b20933" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:acb5dd82fc7d0428bafe34ed304dc15d1" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgSignResult  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#acb5dd82fc7d0428bafe34ed304dc15d1" > _new_result< / a > (gpgme_sign_result_t & & result)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:acb5dd82fc7d0428bafe34ed304dc15d1" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ae3f2947210ad3e11269ebac355f47492" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgVerifyResult  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#ae3f2947210ad3e11269ebac355f47492" > _new_result< / a > (gpgme_verify_result_t & & result)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ae3f2947210ad3e11269ebac355f47492" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:af909eb3cf2690d23939e394a461e48e9" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgGenKeyResult  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#af909eb3cf2690d23939e394a461e48e9" > _new_result< / a > (gpgme_genkey_result_t & & result)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:af909eb3cf2690d23939e394a461e48e9" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:afdad4e5f4c3ac891c09216e245c0f48e" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgError  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#afdad4e5f4c3ac891c09216e245c0f48e" > check_gpg_error< / a > (GpgError err)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:afdad4e5f4c3ac891c09216e245c0f48e" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:adf0fbe100c3ea1bf2f33bc0f55dfff17" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT GpgError  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#adf0fbe100c3ea1bf2f33bc0f55dfff17" > check_gpg_error< / a > (GpgError gpgmeError, const std::string & comment)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:adf0fbe100c3ea1bf2f33bc0f55dfff17" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a4edac6df92596ba8eea3a8cdc1173684" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT gpg_err_code_t  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a4edac6df92596ba8eea3a8cdc1173684" > check_gpg_error_2_err_code< / a > (gpgme_error_t err, gpgme_error_t predict=GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a4edac6df92596ba8eea3a8cdc1173684" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ac494a4b0d91e08a70db77a399c9a0f30" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT std::string  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#ac494a4b0d91e08a70db77a399c9a0f30" > beautify_fingerprint< / a > (BypeArrayConstRef fingerprint)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ac494a4b0d91e08a70db77a399c9a0f30" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a73f3e2217fb1d72dc75f266e11875f6d" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > std::string  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a73f3e2217fb1d72dc75f266e11875f6d" > read_all_data_in_file< / a > (const std::string & path)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a73f3e2217fb1d72dc75f266e11875f6d" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a5135069571678eda9c1f07d17ed9ac41" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > GPGFRONTEND_CORE_EXPORT bool  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a5135069571678eda9c1f07d17ed9ac41" > write_buffer_to_file< / a > (const std::string & path, const std::string & out_buffer)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a5135069571678eda9c1f07d17ed9ac41" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > std::string  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > get_file_extension< / a > (const std::string & path)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Get the file extension object. < a href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > std::string  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > get_only_file_name_with_path< / a > (const std::string & path)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Get the only file name with path object. < a href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a2a0394c8bdd277f5235f9875a1d69a99" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > int  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#a2a0394c8bdd277f5235f9875a1d69a99" > text_is_signed< / a > (BypeArrayRef text)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a2a0394c8bdd277f5235f9875a1d69a99" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:aff3e12940da2d43ce7aedeb795643434" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "aff3e12940da2d43ce7aedeb795643434" > < / a >
void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#aff3e12940da2d43ce7aedeb795643434" > InitLoggingSystem< / a > ()< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:aff3e12940da2d43ce7aedeb795643434" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > setup logging system and do proper initialization < br / > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-20 18:33:31 +00:00
< tr class = "separator:aff3e12940da2d43ce7aedeb795643434" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a5c172444c7aacf11b2f8b2ebe72fb053" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a5c172444c7aacf11b2f8b2ebe72fb053" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > init_gpgfrontend_core< / b > ()< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a5c172444c7aacf11b2f8b2ebe72fb053" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aafb9aa0ba1d03afa09085b1b8136c55f" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html#aafb9aa0ba1d03afa09085b1b8136c55f" > new_default_settings_channel< / a > (int channel)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aafb9aa0ba1d03afa09085b1b8136c55f" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table > < table class = "memberdecls" >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "var-members" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
Variables< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a9e0e33d7737ab41ab80422134e659bb3" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a9e0e33d7737ab41ab80422134e659bb3" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
const int  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GPGFRONTEND_DEFAULT_CHANNEL< / b > = 0< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a9e0e33d7737ab41ab80422134e659bb3" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< tr class = "memitem:a17ea01393928cb8638564cdd787151e4" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a id = "a17ea01393928cb8638564cdd787151e4" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
const int  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < b > GPGFRONTEND_NON_ASCII_CHANNEL< / b > = 2< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a17ea01393928cb8638564cdd787151e4" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< a name = "details" id = "details" > < / a > < h2 class = "groupheader" > Detailed Description< / h2 >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< div class = "textblock" > < p > Copyright (C) 2021 Saturneric< / p >
< p > This file is part of < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > .< / p >
< p > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.< / p >
< p > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.< / p >
< p > You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > . If not, see < a href = "https://www.gnu.org/licenses/" > https://www.gnu.org/licenses/< / a > .< / p >
< p > The initial version of the source code is inherited from the gpg4usb project, which is under GPL-3.0-or-later.< / p >
< p > The source code version of this software was modified and released by Saturneric< a href = "#" onclick = "location.href='mai'+'lto:'+'eri'+'c@'+'bkt'+'us'+'.co'+'m'; return false;" > eric@< span style = "display: none;" > .nosp@m.< / span > bktu< span style = "display: none;" > .nosp@m.< / span > s.com< / a > < a href = "#" onclick = "location.href='mai'+'lto:'+'eri'+'c@'+'bkt'+'us'+'.co'+'m'; return false;" > eric@< span style = "display: none;" > .nosp@m.< / span > bktu< span style = "display: none;" > .nosp@m.< / span > s.com< / a > starting on May 12, 2021.< / p >
< p > Copyright (C) 2021 Saturneric< / p >
< p > This file is part of < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > .< / p >
< p > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.< / p >
< p > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.< / p >
< p > You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > . If not, see < a href = "https://www.gnu.org/licenses/" > https://www.gnu.org/licenses/< / a > .< / p >
< p > The initial version of the source code is inherited from the gpg4usb project, which is under GPL-3.0-or-later.< / p >
< p > All the source code of < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > was modified and released by Saturneric< a href = "#" onclick = "location.href='mai'+'lto:'+'eri'+'c@'+'bkt'+'us'+'.co'+'m'; return false;" > eric@< span style = "display: none;" > .nosp@m.< / span > bktu< span style = "display: none;" > .nosp@m.< / span > s.com< / a > starting on May 12, 2021.< / p >
< p > SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later < / p >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< / div > < h2 class = "groupheader" > Function Documentation< / h2 >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "aaf7ddbd50cd4f16b7d2a997c03b20933" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#aaf7ddbd50cd4f16b7d2a997c03b20933" > ◆ < / a > < / span > _new_result() < span class = "overload" > [1/5]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > GpgFrontend::GpgDecrResult GpgFrontend::_new_result < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_decrypt_result_t & &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > result< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > result< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgDecrResult < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "a2a6566f59b4be29e453a1edd93f6a337" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a2a6566f59b4be29e453a1edd93f6a337" > ◆ < / a > < / span > _new_result() < span class = "overload" > [2/5]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > GpgFrontend::GpgEncrResult GpgFrontend::_new_result < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_encrypt_result_t & &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > result< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > result< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgEncrResult < / dd > < / dl >
< p class = "reference" > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a9ea9e81194917e08f46eb657281b7953" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Decrypt()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a11845a9a3ea2941e14faa9130f0ac9ef" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::DecryptVerify()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a32e1eac6bb0f322588ae75ae36a9884a" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Encrypt()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a08906cf2bc2ddad8489438610f388f8a" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::EncryptSign()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a8f4ef57e941a066ad9d070eee51e2073" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::EncryptSymmetric()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#a4cc3ac91613164d7dc61a016a2b4caea" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::GenerateKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a988d7e65e85fc7a578f26300332a65d3" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Sign()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#af0347cb28ff73b2250395ceaa9001509" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Verify()< / a > .< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "af909eb3cf2690d23939e394a461e48e9" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#af909eb3cf2690d23939e394a461e48e9" > ◆ < / a > < / span > _new_result() < span class = "overload" > [3/5]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > GpgFrontend::GpgGenKeyResult GpgFrontend::_new_result < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_genkey_result_t & &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > result< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > result< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgGenKeyResult < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "acb5dd82fc7d0428bafe34ed304dc15d1" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#acb5dd82fc7d0428bafe34ed304dc15d1" > ◆ < / a > < / span > _new_result() < span class = "overload" > [4/5]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > GpgFrontend::GpgSignResult GpgFrontend::_new_result < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_sign_result_t & &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > result< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > result< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgSignResult < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "ae3f2947210ad3e11269ebac355f47492" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#ae3f2947210ad3e11269ebac355f47492" > ◆ < / a > < / span > _new_result() < span class = "overload" > [5/5]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > GpgFrontend::GpgVerifyResult GpgFrontend::_new_result < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_verify_result_t & &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > result< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > result< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgVerifyResult < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "ac494a4b0d91e08a70db77a399c9a0f30" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#ac494a4b0d91e08a70db77a399c9a0f30" > ◆ < / a > < / span > beautify_fingerprint()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > std::string GpgFrontend::beautify_fingerprint < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > GpgFrontend::BypeArrayConstRef  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > fingerprint< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > fingerprint< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > std::string < / dd > < / dl >
< p class = "reference" > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1VerifyKeyDetailBox.html#a25b96a986a009d35847f94719ec327c1" > GpgFrontend::UI::VerifyKeyDetailBox::create_key_info_grid()< / a > .< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "afdad4e5f4c3ac891c09216e245c0f48e" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#afdad4e5f4c3ac891c09216e245c0f48e" > ◆ < / a > < / span > check_gpg_error() < span class = "overload" > [1/2]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > gpgme_error_t GpgFrontend::check_gpg_error < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > GpgError  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > err< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > err< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgError < / dd > < / dl >
< p class = "reference" > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a9ea9e81194917e08f46eb657281b7953" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Decrypt()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a11845a9a3ea2941e14faa9130f0ac9ef" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::DecryptVerify()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#a8a06d0f7a600d4428359b653a68f717e" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::DeleteKeys()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a32e1eac6bb0f322588ae75ae36a9884a" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Encrypt()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a08906cf2bc2ddad8489438610f388f8a" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::EncryptSign()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a8f4ef57e941a066ad9d070eee51e2073" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::EncryptSymmetric()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#a4cc3ac91613164d7dc61a016a2b4caea" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::GenerateKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#a882d99e8407cc22fb8b6e61c531fbe85" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::GenerateSubkey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgContext.html#a39882b323569987592231f722a2ef147" > GpgFrontend::GpgContext::GpgContext()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyImportExporter.html#ab7a9be5283047695cd47562775adf79d" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyImportExporter::ImportKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgContext.html#a3377fd6a325aafc18c119431f602db9b" > GpgFrontend::GpgContext::init_ctx()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#ab7e16d1f4cba23ea5b5b9f6009ce5ee2" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::ModifyPassword()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#a76a7f59701add8a59d8835919dad2000" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::ModifyTOFUPolicy()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html#aa2c0e804db1c4aaf3b861ee5ab54ebd8" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyManager::RevSign()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUIDOperator.html#a47f762666afbc806365877ff70947841" > GpgFrontend::GpgUIDOperator::RevUID()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html#a1625abfbff168c476e76fa9425a6c37d" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyManager::SetExpire()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUIDOperator.html#acbdabec97df508382b0c9b1fffbf1dd5" > GpgFrontend::GpgUIDOperator::SetPrimaryUID()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#ad6ea3596ba7d7543fb1b8233d09996df" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::SetSigners()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#a988d7e65e85fc7a578f26300332a65d3" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Sign()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html#a12138780c53add7589f78f056019e5e0" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyManager::SignKey()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgBasicOperator.html#af0347cb28ff73b2250395ceaa9001509" > GpgFrontend::GpgBasicOperator::Verify()< / a > .< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "adf0fbe100c3ea1bf2f33bc0f55dfff17" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#adf0fbe100c3ea1bf2f33bc0f55dfff17" > ◆ < / a > < / span > check_gpg_error() < span class = "overload" > [2/2]< / span > < / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > gpgme_error_t GpgFrontend::check_gpg_error < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > GpgError  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > gpgmeError< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const std::string &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > comment< / em >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > gpgmeError< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > comment< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > GpgError < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "a4edac6df92596ba8eea3a8cdc1173684" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a4edac6df92596ba8eea3a8cdc1173684" > ◆ < / a > < / span > check_gpg_error_2_err_code()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > gpg_err_code_t GpgFrontend::check_gpg_error_2_err_code < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_error_t  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > err< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > gpgme_error_t  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > predict< / em > = < code > GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR< / code >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > err< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > predict< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > gpg_err_code_t < / dd > < / dl >
2022-05-20 18:33:31 +00:00
< p class = "reference" > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUIDOperator.html#a7c0de570de59d4ebc6c0bed681119bf7" > GpgFrontend::GpgUIDOperator::AddUID()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html#a74eb3ba532a236d8ad284b41265b0ccd" > GpgFrontend::GpgFileOpera::DecryptFile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html#a90949b4e9e6116784260cd0e416551db" > GpgFrontend::GpgFileOpera::DecryptVerifyFile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html#a234d939ae0b2c3f799dd01130fad9379" > GpgFrontend::GpgFileOpera::EncryptFile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html#a826efca057afb07157453b3b9e267b0f" > GpgFrontend::GpgFileOpera::EncryptFileSymmetric()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html#a6353e1688b113e5746aced6aa7f3876e" > GpgFrontend::GpgFileOpera::EncryptSignFile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyImportExporter.html#a51cb18aa7302d7a48ccd1ee17f060391" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyImportExporter::ExportKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyImportExporter.html#aa0a73314ef94f397e2ef53d40abc9731" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyImportExporter::ExportKeyOpenSSH()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyImportExporter.html#a6a5e8d642ac5a3e98799af6495ef590b" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyImportExporter::ExportSecretKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyImportExporter.html#abf7c0442549ae8602e1249cdf0da55df" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyImportExporter::ExportSecretKeyShortest()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyGetter.html#ad9a902ea54566d4583304b072c4add51" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyGetter::FlushKeyCache()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyOpera.html#a4cc3ac91613164d7dc61a016a2b4caea" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyOpera::GenerateKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgContext.html#a39882b323569987592231f722a2ef147" > GpgFrontend::GpgContext::GpgContext()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgContext.html#a3377fd6a325aafc18c119431f602db9b" > GpgFrontend::GpgContext::init_ctx()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html#aa2c0e804db1c4aaf3b861ee5ab54ebd8" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyManager::RevSign()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUIDOperator.html#a47f762666afbc806365877ff70947841" > GpgFrontend::GpgUIDOperator::RevUID()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html#a1625abfbff168c476e76fa9425a6c37d" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyManager::SetExpire()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgUIDOperator.html#acbdabec97df508382b0c9b1fffbf1dd5" > GpgFrontend::GpgUIDOperator::SetPrimaryUID()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgFileOpera.html#a350df1c07c054625c4755a78e6ca5ca8" > GpgFrontend::GpgFileOpera::SignFile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1GpgKeyManager.html#a12138780c53add7589f78f056019e5e0" > GpgFrontend::GpgKeyManager::SignKey()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow.html#ae2d89e2cc6c99ff0e16b396d2381f904" > GpgFrontend::UI::MainWindow::slot_decrypt()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow.html#a1d61ea803e6c825bd54f42ba9ae85919" > GpgFrontend::UI::MainWindow::slot_decrypt_verify()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow.html#ae11d01211c2914ecc148e13dd7de506e" > GpgFrontend::UI::MainWindow::slot_encrypt()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow.html#a304efe91afa31b32725caa00c27475a4" > GpgFrontend::UI::MainWindow::slot_encrypt_sign()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1SubkeyGenerateDialog.html#aab426dec4b4655b215b09b490e05ad05" > GpgFrontend::UI::SubkeyGenerateDialog::slot_key_gen_accept()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow.html#a3f3d03b0ec22385bee559fbd2aeb881b" > GpgFrontend::UI::MainWindow::slot_sign()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1MainWindow.html#aa9c986dd95984811479ea93230c74b5d" > GpgFrontend::UI::MainWindow::slot_verify()< / a > .< / p >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#acff2cf5dd5b112b324fa6574ee935f79" > ◆ < / a > < / span > get_file_extension()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > std::string GpgFrontend::get_file_extension < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const std::string &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > path< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Get the file extension object. < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > path< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > std::string < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a5a2f5fc1ad3de55e41a1b7a388821328" > ◆ < / a > < / span > get_only_file_name_with_path()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > std::string GpgFrontend::get_only_file_name_with_path < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const std::string &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > path< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Get the only file name with path object. < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > path< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > std::string < / dd > < / dl >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
< a id = "aafb9aa0ba1d03afa09085b1b8136c55f" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#aafb9aa0ba1d03afa09085b1b8136c55f" > ◆ < / a > < / span > new_default_settings_channel()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void GpgFrontend::new_default_settings_channel < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > int  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > channel< / em > = < code > GpgFrontend::GPGFRONTEND_DEFAULT_CHANNEL< / code > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > channel< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
2022-05-09 15:32:58 +00:00
< p class = "reference" > References < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1SingletonFunctionObject.html#a083807ff8cec58dc0aa732844edaf518" > GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgContext > ::CreateInstance()< / a > .< / p >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "a73f3e2217fb1d72dc75f266e11875f6d" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a73f3e2217fb1d72dc75f266e11875f6d" > ◆ < / a > < / span > read_all_data_in_file()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > std::string GpgFrontend::read_all_data_in_file < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const std::string &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > path< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > path< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > std::string < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "a2a0394c8bdd277f5235f9875a1d69a99" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a2a0394c8bdd277f5235f9875a1d69a99" > ◆ < / a > < / span > text_is_signed()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > int GpgFrontend::text_is_signed < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > GpgFrontend::BypeArrayRef  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > text< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > text< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > int < / dd > < / dl >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-05-08 22:01:23 +00:00
< a id = "a5135069571678eda9c1f07d17ed9ac41" > < / a >
2022-05-09 03:59:26 +08:00
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a5135069571678eda9c1f07d17ed9ac41" > ◆ < / a > < / span > write_buffer_to_file()< / h2 >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > bool GpgFrontend::write_buffer_to_file < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const std::string &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > path< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const std::string &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > out_buffer< / em >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > path< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramname" > out_buffer< / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > true < / dd >
< dd >
false < / dd > < / dl >
< p class = "reference" > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1KeyPairOperaTab.html#a384f4250e58110da58c0e6996b42a8ab" > GpgFrontend::UI::KeyPairOperaTab::slot_export_private_key()< / a > .< / p >
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< li class = "navelem" > < a class = "el" href = "namespaceGpgFrontend.html" > GpgFrontend< / a > < / li >
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