2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner} { } \doxysection { Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::Thread\+ ::Task\+ Runner Class Reference}
\label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner} \index { GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} }
Inheritance diagram for Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::Thread\+ ::Task\+ Runner\+ :
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
2023-02-16 14:01:59 +00:00
\includegraphics [width=202pt] { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ _ inherit_ _ graph}
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\end { center}
\end { figure}
Collaboration diagram for Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::Thread\+ ::Task\+ Runner\+ :
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
\includegraphics [width=350pt] { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ _ coll_ _ graph}
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\end { center}
\end { figure}
\doxysubsection * { Public Slots}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
void \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a4fae01eb0a5b296b8c4c6bf8408f1c6b} { Post\+ Task} } (\mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } $ \ast $ task)
2023-02-16 14:01:59 +00:00
void \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ aaddb0cdd8eb57aac08ca9caf8b8e6bac} { Post\+ Schedule\+ Task} } (\mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } $ \ast $ task, size\+ \_ \+ t seconds)
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Public Member Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ ad3c8612cbe60112f9b14e616fb0a4acf} { Task\+ Runner} } ()
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Construct a new \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } Runner object. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ ac3e57b59d537e2a75e741d4a5418ae6d} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ ac3e57b59d537e2a75e741d4a5418ae6d} }
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
virtual \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ ac3e57b59d537e2a75e741d4a5418ae6d} { $ \sim $ \+ Task\+ Runner} } () override
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Destroy the \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } Runner object. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a66d2cce41130ada199636815c52332a6} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a66d2cce41130ada199636815c52332a6} }
void { \bfseries run} () override
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Private Attributes}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a774775e9a91d33072b27dcf78cead6e2} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a774775e9a91d33072b27dcf78cead6e2} }
std\+ ::queue$ < $ \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } $ \ast $ $ > $ \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a774775e9a91d33072b27dcf78cead6e2} { tasks} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em The task queue. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2022-05-20 18:33:31 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a6d92421bbbfcf3136335a5173d1b2a22} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a6d92421bbbfcf3136335a5173d1b2a22} }
std\+ ::map$ < $ std\+ ::string, \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } $ \ast $ $ > $ \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a6d92421bbbfcf3136335a5173d1b2a22} { pending\+ \_ \+ tasks\+ \_ \+ } }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em The pending tasks. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a5e72f1ce00d41c225a4304f1ed20b3f1} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a5e72f1ce00d41c225a4304f1ed20b3f1} }
std\+ ::mutex \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a5e72f1ce00d41c225a4304f1ed20b3f1} { tasks\+ \_ \+ mutex\+ \_ \+ } }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em The task queue mutex. \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection { Constructor \& Destructor Documentation}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ ad3c8612cbe60112f9b14e616fb0a4acf} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ ad3c8612cbe60112f9b14e616fb0a4acf} }
\index { GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} !TaskRunner@{ TaskRunner} }
\index { TaskRunner@{ TaskRunner} !GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TaskRunner()} { TaskRunner()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ Thread\+ ::\+ Task\+ Runner\+ ::\+ Task\+ Runner (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [default]} }
Construct a new \mbox { \hyperlink { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1Task} { Task} } Runner object.
Copyright (C) 2021 Saturneric
This file is part of \mbox { \hyperlink { namespaceGpgFrontend} { Gpg\+ Frontend} } .
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
\mbox { \hyperlink { namespaceGpgFrontend} { Gpg\+ Frontend} } is free software\+ : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
\mbox { \hyperlink { namespaceGpgFrontend} { Gpg\+ Frontend} } is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with \mbox { \hyperlink { namespaceGpgFrontend} { Gpg\+ Frontend} } . If not, see \href { https://www.gnu.org/licenses/} { \texttt { https\+ ://www.\+ gnu.\+ org/licenses/} } .
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
The initial version of the source code is inherited from the gpg4usb project, which is under GPL-\/ 3.\+ 0-\/ or-\/ later.
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
The source code version of this software was modified and released by Saturneric\href { mailto:eric@bktus.com} { \texttt { eric@bktus.\+ com} } \href { mailto:eric@bktus.com} { \texttt { eric@bktus.\+ com} } starting on May 12, 2021.
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\doxysubsection { Member Function Documentation}
2023-02-16 14:01:59 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ aaddb0cdd8eb57aac08ca9caf8b8e6bac} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ aaddb0cdd8eb57aac08ca9caf8b8e6bac} }
\index { GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} !PostScheduleTask@{ PostScheduleTask} }
\index { PostScheduleTask@{ PostScheduleTask} !GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { PostScheduleTask} { PostScheduleTask} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily void Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ Thread\+ ::\+ Task\+ Runner\+ ::\+ Post\+ Schedule\+ Task (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{\mbox{\hyperlink{classGpgFrontend_1_1Thread_1_1Task}{Task}} $\ast$}] { task, } \item [{size\+\_\+t}] { seconds } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [slot]} }
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em task} & \\
{ \em seconds} & \\
\end { DoxyParams}
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a4fae01eb0a5b296b8c4c6bf8408f1c6b} \label { classGpgFrontend_ 1_ 1Thread_ 1_ 1TaskRunner_ a4fae01eb0a5b296b8c4c6bf8408f1c6b} }
\index { GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} !PostTask@{ PostTask} }
\index { PostTask@{ PostTask} !GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner@{ GpgFrontend::Thread::TaskRunner} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { PostTask} { PostTask} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily void Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ Thread\+ ::\+ Task\+ Runner\+ ::\+ Post\+ Task (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{\mbox{\hyperlink{classGpgFrontend_1_1Thread_1_1Task}{Task}} $\ast$}] { task } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [slot]} }
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em task} & \\
\end { DoxyParams}
2022-11-26 18:19:17 +00:00
References Gpg\+ Frontend\+ ::\+ Thread\+ ::\+ Task\+ ::\+ Get\+ UUID(), pending\+ \_ \+ tasks\+ \_ \+ , tasks, and tasks\+ \_ \+ mutex\+ \_ \+ .
2022-05-13 17:46:04 +00:00
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files\+ :\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
src/core/thread/Task\+ Runner.\+ h\item
src/core/thread/Task\+ Runner.\+ cpp\end { DoxyCompactItemize}