9 lines
709 B
9 lines
709 B
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<map id="GpgFrontend::UI::FindWidget" name="GpgFrontend::UI::FindWidget">
<area shape="rect" id="node1" title="Class for handling the find widget shown at buttom of a textedit-page." alt="" coords="5,844,213,1009"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node2" title=" " alt="" coords="50,293,129,370"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node3" href="$classGpgFrontend_1_1UI_1_1PlainTextEditorPage.html" title="Class for handling a single tab of the tabwidget." alt="" coords="125,440,328,781"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node4" title=" " alt="" coords="153,285,301,377"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node5" title="STL class." alt="" coords="148,145,305,223"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node6" title=" " alt="" coords="207,5,246,83"/>