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\hypertarget{md_src_SECURITY_autotoc_md1}{}\doxysection{Supported Versions}\label{md_src_SECURITY_autotoc_md1}
The application white check mark is still in support, without it means there version will no longer have a update including security fixture. That\textquotesingle{}s beacuse currently I have a job and a hard learning plain, which means I don\textquotesingle{}t have too much time to dealing with this project now, sincerely, I am sorry for that. Maybe this situation will get better in the future. So it is recommand to use the latest version.
\begin{longtabu}spread 0pt [c]{*{2}{|X[-1]}|}
\PBS\centering \cellcolor{\tableheadbgcolor}\textbf{ Version }&\PBS\centering \cellcolor{\tableheadbgcolor}\textbf{ Supported }\\\cline{1-2}
\PBS\centering \cellcolor{\tableheadbgcolor}\textbf{ Version }&\PBS\centering \cellcolor{\tableheadbgcolor}\textbf{ Supported }\\\cline{1-2}
1.\+x.\+x &\+:x\+: \\\cline{1-2}
2.\+x.\+x &\+:x\+: \\\cline{1-2}
2.\+1.\+x &\+:white\+\_\+check\+\_\+mark\+: \\\cline{1-2}
\hypertarget{md_src_SECURITY_autotoc_md2}{}\doxysection{Platform \& Library Support}\label{md_src_SECURITY_autotoc_md2}
According to security concern and my limiting time to contributing, \mbox{\hyperlink{namespaceGpgFrontend}{Gpg\+Frontend}} will gradually drop the support of some old platforms.
Starting from v1.\+0.\+0, x32 operating system is no longer support. Mainly because I have limit time and the fact that x32 machime is getting less and less in the pc market, so I plan to stop spending tons of time dealing with lots of complex problem which might made me crazy. x64 is just enough, or you can use gpg4usb.
Starting from v2.\+0.\+1, Ubuntu 16.\+04 is no longer support. Mainly because this Ubuntu 16.\+04 LTS\textquotesingle{}s life time had come into an end at during that time. Keep using this version of Ubuntu is not safty anymore.
Starting from v2.\+1.\+0, mac\+OS 10.\+15 is no longer support. Mainly because this system will no longer support by github action in the near future. Also, I think this version is old enough to drop it out, and Apple might not longer to support it soon.\hypertarget{md_src_SECURITY_autotoc_md3}{}\doxysection{Reporting a Vulnerability}\label{md_src_SECURITY_autotoc_md3}
If you want to report a vulnerability, it\textquotesingle{}s not good to raise an issue in public. You should send an email to \href{mailto:eric@bktus.com}{\texttt{ eric@bktus.\+com}} to contract me. In the email, You can describe the vulnerability you have just discovered and request a hot-\/fix. Or you can just provide a git patch to fix it and send it to me using the email. This is a better way to solve the vulnerability as quick as possible.